Thread  RSS New artwork - Gwen

# 14796 19 years ago on Wed, Mar 1 2006 at 5:04 pm
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I made good on my promise (or threat) to color an old doodle. And several days later, I've got results. The coloring is a bit simpler than usual but I also experimented with the style. I was feeling too lazy to use multiple layers, so I just slapped down the base colors and shaded them all on one layer. No burn or dodge tools were used, though, just lighter or darker variants of the base color and brushes at various opacities. And the smudge tool. A lot of the smudge tool.

I don't think her face shades all that well, though. Most likely, it's that almost-white pallor sort of color I use. I'm tempted to put just a bit more color into her face to try and make things work our better. Or maybe I should just shade it with straight greys (and maybe a bit of blue and/or purple). Everything else doesn't look too bad. Hopefully the stuff that's meant to be water droplets looks at least vaguely like water.

The flightsuit design isn't mine, it's for an Orbital Squadron in someone else's story universe.

# 14797 19 years ago on Thu, Mar 2 2006 at 6:18 am

I like the flightsuit one; it reminds me a lot of Rei from Evangelion (even though I really don't like Evangelion - mainly because of the ending).

Just a heads up; please slap a NSFW tag on any art posts that contain nudity. It's not a big deal but if I'm at work (which I might soon very well be) I wouldn't want to get into trouble for stumbling across anything even mildly provocative in the forums.

73's, KD8FUD

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# 14798 19 years ago on Thu, Mar 2 2006 at 7:32 pm

Yeah, the NSFW tag is probably not a bad idea. I'll take care of that.

# 14799 19 years ago on Fri, Mar 3 2006 at 8:46 am

Cool, she's a Bydo, right?


'print_out_million_dollar_bill.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external revenue service, operable profit, or bank file.

# 14800 19 years ago on Fri, Mar 3 2006 at 10:01 pm

Yes. Bydo as in the R-Type universe.

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