Thread  RSS So, I'm making a cyberpunk game

# 14906 13 years ago on Wed, Oct 12 2011 at 7:00 pm

I made a tabletop RPG thing a while back called "Dive into the Sky," which was focused on mecha musume and air combat. It was sort of an attempt at making a Strike Witches RPG.

Fast forward a couple years, and I decide to make a game that's much more balanced and playable, with the same focus and ideas. I did some more work and actually get something that's not too bad. But, then I decide to be ambitious.

I'm now occasionally working on an expanded project, which takes Dive into the Sky's system out of the air. I am making a more general mecha musume RPG, with influences such as Konami's Busou Shinki figure line, Infinite Stratos, and Cosmic Break. Still lot of work to do, both in terms of new rules to write, and some other things. The "other things" being the hard part. I don't want to just make a sterile set of rules. I want to create a setting in which to play, and some other bits of "fluff". Unfortunately, I am not much of a writer. I'm also drawing a bit of a blank on some other rules-related things, such as filling out an equipment list. Since characters can swap out limbs and weapons like they're robots in an Armored Core game, I'm going to need a lot of stuff t fill it out. And I might need help.

Despite setbacks, it may happen eventually. As-is, watch this thread for updates, possibly including bits of new art related to this project. Or at least co-opted into it.

My current ideas for the setting are as follows:

The setting is futuristic science fiction. The world map isn't our own with the borders redrawn, I'll make a completely new one, instead. There will be several factions populating the place, and each will provide some influence on characters who live there. One faction will probably be a fanatical group who are very opposed to creating cyborgs or whatever player characters are assumed to be, and see them at best as a necessary evil. Another will be the opposite extreme, who has embraced the technology to the point that almost everyone has at least a little bit of cybernetics. most places will be somewhere in the middle, in terms of how the view the new technology, although cybernetics and the like lost the culture wars, so its the unaltered human body which is the ideal. These places may well be analogues to actual countries, at least in terms of general culture. The last faction that isn't directly antagonistic will likely be one or more megacorporations with resources and influence to rival those of nations and thus have global clout.

Every game needs its antagonists, and this one will be no different. Factional infighting is common enough that it can work as the entire basis of a game, but there will be other more unified threats as well. One will likely be a global terrorist or criminal organization. Another will definitely be alien invaders, although I am not sure of their exact nature yet. They might be from another dimension, or from another planet. They might be horrible monstrosities who show up and are hard to figure out. Or maybe they're much more human-like. Regardless of what they are, it's quite possible they are subtly manipulating at least some things behind the scenes, and their apparently sudden appearance on the global stage is not what it seems.

# 14907 13 years ago on Thu, Oct 13 2011 at 1:26 am

Sounds like a promising basis for a new RP, if you want to go in that direction. I'm not sure it will fit perfectly into your vision but would you consider adapting this concept, as it develops, into another forums Role-playing session?

73's, KD8FUD

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# 14908 13 years ago on Thu, Oct 13 2011 at 7:52 am

Depends. If there's enough interest, I wouldn't be opposed to it. Though it would be less a tabletop-style RPG and more open, freeform with few rules.

Anyway, we'll have to see.

# 14909 13 years ago on Thu, Oct 13 2011 at 2:19 pm

A cyborg RPG? Sounds fun! Also, my past characters have been varieties of cyborgs so I might even just use Shell or one of my other past characters if we get this started.


Waff-O! waffle

RP Character: Shell

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# 14910 13 years ago on Thu, Oct 13 2011 at 8:45 pm

I like the general idea. The fully-human is rare and cyborgs all wish they were as much.

"Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt!"

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