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# 15137 17 years ago on Fri, Jul 4 2008 at 9:49 pm

Shell might be involved in a movement to encourage people to accept nanotech. Like there might be some resistance to it and she's a member of the opposite faction.

Waff-O! waffle

RP Character: Shell

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# 15138 17 years ago on Sat, Jul 5 2008 at 1:02 am

Oh, Miroku, I like that. We could start out with a conflict where people on New Pandora are split, either paranoid of nanotech treatments or borderline authoritarian on forcing them on people.

"Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt!"

# 15139 17 years ago on Sat, Jul 5 2008 at 4:14 am

Forced nanotech treatments? That has some interesting real world political analogues.

The blue sky is infinitely high, crystal clear...that's what the world should be...a world of infinite possibilities, laid before us, crystal clear"

# 15140 17 years ago on Sat, Jul 5 2008 at 7:25 am

That has some interesting real world political analogues.

I was kind of thinking that, too. But it would be a cool plot element. Would there really be luddites and technophobes in such an advanced society, I wonder?

# 15141 17 years ago on Sat, Jul 5 2008 at 10:37 am

An advanced civilization with space stations and nanotech medicine would likely also have advanced government and education, but I wouldn't doubt the existence of a few hold-outs here and there. Might make for a good basis for a villain character, just putting that idea out there.

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