Thread  RSS RP 2008 Thread 1

# 15149 17 years ago on Sun, Jul 6 2008 at 9:47 pm

A new place to live... And a nice-looking place, at that.

Marise loved moving - Seeing a whole new place, going somewhere completely new, starting things all over - Just with Matticon instead of all on her own. Marise had been charged with bringing things to their room, which was C-1 - The top floor. How lucky of me, Marise thought. I get to bring things to the top floor from the bottom floor.

It was only a few bags, though, so she was lucky, she figured. After carrying a few bags into the room, she put her bag down on one of the beds. She sifted through it to try and find something nicer to wear; She pulled out a pair of jean shorts and a blue sweater. My favourite.

She undressed, not even looking behind her beforehand - She had gotten to the point where she didn't even care if Matticon saw her half-naked - Slipped the sweater on over her head, poked her arms through the sleeves, stepped into the shorts and pulled them up. "Ahhh, much better," Marise said to herself and put her traveling clothes into her bag again. cyborg didn't sweat, so she didn't have to clean her clothes unless she swan-dove into a mud pool - Which hadn't happened yet. She still washed her clothes on occasion so they smelled nice.

Marise pushed her bag under her bed and laid down to sleep. She was always tired, it seemed. She shut her eyes and waited for sleep to come - It probably wouldn't, as it rarely did unless it was dark outside.

Waff-O! waffle

RP Character: Shell

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# 15150 17 years ago on Mon, Jul 7 2008 at 2:03 am

Dianna ran up to the quarters colony, a massive smile on her face and a large bag on her back. A new place! That meant a new area, and a new area meant new people, and new people meant new friends! She loved friends! Unless they were snakes. In which case, they weren't friends and she would cry because snakes are scary and mean. But this was a place were humans lived, so she certain that their neighbors would not have scales and would not eat adorable little mouses!

She wanted to go in, bang on every door, and hug everyone until everyone was friends forever, but she couldn't do that yet. No no no, not yet. She had come here with her supervisor, after all, and she wanted to be right there when he started his new life here! Oh, this was going to be so great! She was going to make sure that supervisor had the best time ever here...though maybe she'd be really super careful when she started to set things up. supervisor could be a super grumpy-pants over the weirdest things!

She began to bounce up and down on the balls of her feet as her excitement began to get the better of her. What to do, what to do? On the one hand, she really, really, really, really, really wanted to go in and say hi to everyone! But on the other hand, she didn't want to rush her supervisor, because that would be mean and she didn't like being mean! Oooooooohhhhhhhhhh, she just didn't know what to do!

After a moments thought, she decided she'd just stand there. Right there. Maybe jumping up and down, but definitely not jumping up and down in a forward direction. She'd stay in this one spot so that supervisor definitely wouldn't miss her and they could get the dumb and boring unpacking stuff out of the way quickly!

# 15151 17 years ago on Mon, Jul 7 2008 at 6:19 am

Renald finally arrived at the quarters with his equipment, he checked his watch he seems a little late in coming. his supervisor could be arrived before him, and this makes him a little unhappy. He rushed to the room hoping she will not mad at him but after he arrived on the front door he found out that his supervisor had been here. Feelings of shame and fault mixed in him because he has failed his supervisor. "Please forgive me for being late, i will clean this room as soon as possible and unpacking your equipment"

# 15152 17 years ago on Mon, Jul 7 2008 at 10:35 am

Matticon walked up to the quarters. Another home, and more friends. Just great. Matticon hated moving, and this time wasn't an exception. He walked up and started thinking. Jerome had just applied to the new school, hoping to make some friends there. He hoped Marise was already sleeping. He didn't want a jumpy cyborg in his face when he was already tired. He strode into the new room, the smell of disenfectant filling the air. Not too much, but this place was new. He was sure of it. After unpacking and making sure everything was right, Matticon saw Marise on the bed. Time for a wake up call. Yelling, "Mortal Combat!" He began to punch Marise. The day was going well.

"Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt!"

# 15153 17 years ago on Mon, Jul 7 2008 at 9:47 pm

Marise gasped - She hadn't even heard Matticon walk into the room, and now... Was he on top of her?! Marise sucked in air and tried to hold her breath - Her cheeks started to turn reddish-pink as her strength waned...

And she broke into uncontrollable laughter.

Marise shouted and gripped the blankets below her as tightly as she could. "Mercy! Mercy!" Marise begged - Her legs flailed and her fingers dug into the mattress. Since she was made ticklish as a means of control, she was programmed so she had trouble resisting it - She couldn't do much save for hold her breath and beg for it to stop.

But something felt odd this time. Marise tried to pull away from Matticon desperately in an attempt to get away and she rolled off the bed accidentally. She stumbled to her feet and struggled to catch her breath; She still giggled a little involuntarily. "Ohhhhh, I can't breathe," She muttered, her breathing still heavy - She clearly could, but those words always seemed to come to mind when she was freed of hitting.

Marise knew for a fact that she was weaker than Matticon - She had next to no chance of getting revenge... At least now. To make it seem like she surrendered, she sat on her legs with her hands in her lap. "I-I surrender! I surrender!"

I'll get him back later, Marise thought. And I know just what to do...

Waff-O! waffle

RP Character: Shell

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