Thread  RSS RP 2008 Thread 1

# 15154 17 years ago on Tue, Jul 8 2008 at 2:03 am

Okay, so being summarily dismissed by her supervisor like that was pretty disappointing, but hey; now it's time to meet new people! She looked around, wondering which door to knock on first. She supposed it didn't matter, in the end. She was going to knock on every door eventually. Better just pick one at random then!

She walked around aimlessly before finally standing in front of one of the ground-floor doors. A-3...this seemed as good a start as any! What should she say, though? Pfffffft, how was that even a question? Obviously she should say hi! And then hugs. There must always be hugs. Dianna knocked on the door, her smile refusing to fade. She was just so excited and happy and this was just gonna be great!

# 15155 17 years ago on Tue, Jul 8 2008 at 6:19 am

It seems there was a guest coming, it really don't mind him unless that girl dare to touch his owner and then he continue unpacking. Only a moment he lost his sight to his owner, that girl already make a move and hug her. This is bad, what if she hiding a knife or some short and try to hurt supervisor? He rushed to them and seperated those two, "please be careful my lady, this girl might hurt you if you are too careless". He standing in front of them, trying to make some distance between this girls, after that he giving a sharp look to the other girl. He know he was over protective but his owner safety is number one.

# 15156 17 years ago on Tue, Jul 8 2008 at 10:35 am

Matticon looked over at her. Marise was a good fit for him. She wasn't too outgoing while she wasn't too isolated. Just like him. He then said to Marise, "So, do you want to see who's here?" He picked up a book, How to Grease your Feet for Fun and Profit: The Motion Picture Novelization, and began to wait for an answer.

"Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt!"

# 15157 17 years ago on Tue, Jul 8 2008 at 9:47 pm

"Who's where?" Marise asked, looking curiously around the room. "You're here, but... I don't see anyone else." Marise started to worry a bit - Was she malfunctioning? And this early, too? She was just over a year old! She was supposed to last at least another seventeen years before things started going wrong! "Is there someone else here I can't see? Or do you mean that book?" Marise examined the book. How to Grease your Feet for Fun and Profit: The Motion Picture Novelization, she thought. I don't think I've seen that before. Again and again she read the title in an attempt to stimulate her memory - She gave up trying to remember anything after a few tries.

"I'm not sure what you mean," Marise concluded. "I'm sorry."

Waff-O! waffle

RP Character: Shell

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# 15158 17 years ago on Wed, Jul 9 2008 at 2:03 am

Dianna beamed at Joanne as she rambled. "Hi! I'm Dianna and I moved in with my supervisor today and we were just finishing moving stuff into the quarters and supervisor told me to go out and meet everybody and to see if there were other cyborg here cause I don't why maybe he's just curious but who cares because it doesn't matter because cyborg are people too and I love meeting people!"

The blue-haired girl took a deep breath after that verbal diarrhea before once again smiling at Joanne. "Nice to meet you!" She then pulled her neighbor into a hug like it was the most natural thing in the world. "I hope we can be friends!"

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