Thread  RSS RP 2008 Thread 1

# 15164 17 years ago on Thu, Jul 10 2008 at 9:47 pm

Marise blushed a bit - She got compliments from Matticon sometimes and she liked it, but she rarely let it go to her head. Marise hugged Matticon as tightly as she could. "Thanks, Matticon," Marise chimed. "And it's a good thing you like what I'm wearing, because I do, too." A thought passed through Marise's mind; I could ask Matticon if he wanted to go clothes shopping later. I mean, I didn't bring a lot of clothes anyways, so I could ask him if he wanted to... And he would enjoy that, right?

"Um, if you want to go meet the people in the colony now, we can... And if you want, you could help me get some new clothes. I don't have many with me right now, so I might need some new ones, if that's all right."

Waff-O! waffle

RP Character: Shell

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# 15165 17 years ago on Fri, Jul 11 2008 at 6:19 am

When Renald close his eye and start reprograming he can see everything inside his head. He started erasing his formality and just leaving some behind in case there was a guest. It take a several hour before he opened his eye again. He take quick glance it seems Joanne is not here anymore, wonder if she go to work in time. After that he unbutton his butler clothes and throw it away leaving his chest exposed. He change into plain black clothes. He started to tidy up the room until it's clean and comfortable

# 15166 17 years ago on Fri, Jul 11 2008 at 10:35 am

Matticon shrugged. "honestly, I don't think they'll care. You look good as is. But hey, what do I know?" Matticon replied. It didn't matter what she went out in; they were both going to spend a lot of time in here. "Or do you want to go shopping to fill out that side of the room? I have about 9,462 credits left after you and I met." Matticon avoided saying bought. It made him feel like Marise was just a robot. And it was socially awkward as well... As if he needed to worsen his relationship with one of the only people he liked. He didn't know if Marise wanted to go out anyway. "We could just stay inside, though. Your choice."

"Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt!"

# 15167 17 years ago on Fri, Jul 11 2008 at 9:47 pm

"Sure, Marise. We'll look around the quarters colony. Maybe there are some people you can meet."

"OK! Let's go, then - We've talked about it enough, right?" Marise grabbed Matticon's hand and started walking to the door. "Should we start at the first room from the bottom and come back up to our room from there, or should we start from our room and work our way down to the bottom floor?" Marise shut the door to the room behind her and Matticon - She noticed she had forgotten to put on shoes or even socks, but she was OK with it. Stepping on something wouldn't hurt her, she figured, so it wasn't a necessity. "What do you think?"

Waff-O! waffle

RP Character: Shell

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# 15168 17 years ago on Sat, Jul 12 2008 at 2:03 am

What could Marise possibly want to ask him? Renald always hated this question, and became nervous and tense by the suspense. As he finishes grating the tofu chunks, he layered the pasta and beef, then covered the top in a layer of tofu chunks. He stoops down in front the stove as he opens it, and puts the unholy mess passing for food in. The dial on the oven is turned to 400 degrees.

He then stood up, and took off his jacket, revealing a v-neck white tee. He sits on the bed next to the window and looks out as the beautiful sun sets. The pack of blacks is thrown onto a nearby desk.

"Oh, the door is still opened," He said to Marise.

"Before you raise your discussion, can you close the door?"

Renald laid down horizontally across the bed with his feet hanging off, touching the floor. He swings them back and forth alternatively.

A deep breath is taken as nerves get the better of him.

Renald quickly realized that he had been freaking out about Marise's question, and assured himself that it couldn't be anything bad.

Feeling the gently and warm tug of sleep calling him towards dozing off, Renald closes his eyes and listens on.

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