Thread  RSS RP 2008 Thread 1

# 15174 17 years ago on Sun, Jul 13 2008 at 9:47 pm

"Let's get this over quickly. I'm tired, and lollygagging around won't help my mood. Not after I'm going in and shopping for you, either."

Marise opened her mouth for a second, as if she was about to say something, but she shut it again. "I-If you don't want to," Marise replied nervously, "We don't have to go. I mean, I'm OK with what I have. We can just go back to the room if going out would make you unhappy." Without a moment's hesitation, Marise flung her arms around Matticon. "I want you to be happy. Please be happy."

Waff-O! waffle

RP Character: Shell

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# 15175 17 years ago on Mon, Jul 14 2008 at 2:03 am

She let go of him sat down next to him. She thought on his words for a moment. "If that's what you want, supervisor Asake. And no, I will pass on playing the game; you seem to be having fun with it. Besides, I do not know the controls." She brushed a strand of hair behind her ear as she watched him play, considering the rest of his words. "What I want to don't really have anything I'd like to do besides spend time with you, supervisor Asake. Is there something you'd like me to do? Any groceries you'd like me to buy, or other errands you want me to run?"

# 15176 17 years ago on Mon, Jul 14 2008 at 6:19 am

Renald, being such a light sleeper phased in and out of sleep as the cyborgs became active in the room. As he drifted in and slipped out the influence of the sleep, his thoughts were trailing. He was thinking about what he would do the next day. In his mind's eye, he envisioned himself walking to a shop to gather some things. In the middle of the mental scenario, he forgot he was still on his bed, falling asleep and got sucked into the dream like state. As he was walking in the scene, he tripped on the pavement and fell, as he did so he jumped out of his sleep, breathing hard. When he opened his eyes, he looked around for Marise, but saw her not on the bed, but organising his novels.

"Marise, what time is it?? You're so restless" he said in a playful voice, smiling at her.

He sat up on the bed with his feet hanging off the bed. He wanted to invite her to sit next to him so they could casually converse, but his nerves got the better of him and all that came out was,

"Err.. Do you want to ummm," as he awkwardly pats the spot next to him.

He looks out the window pretending that pathetic mishap didn't just take place.

# 15177 17 years ago on Mon, Jul 14 2008 at 10:35 am

Matticon laughed and said to Marise, "Why don't we keep going. Also, just because I don't have to doesn't mean I don't want to. Let's go." He hugged Marise lightly. She was... He couldn't find the words to describe her. "Well?" He asked quickly. Internally, he face palmed. Why did he have to screw that up? "Why don't we see who's in B1, actually. I hope they're someone who you can hang out with while I'm gone. Because school sucks. Trust me."

"Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt!"

# 15178 17 years ago on Mon, Jul 14 2008 at 9:47 pm

Marise looked over to Renald as she heard him speak. She placed the last book on the shelf and walked over to the end of the bed next to Renald and sat beside him. It felt a bit awkward just sitting there next to him while all was silent. She was waiting for him to say something but instead she tried to start the conversation first.

"So...what do you wanna do tomorrow?" She asked him as she scooted closer to him. She played with her hair a little bit as she could hear the muffled sounds of the two voices upstairs.

Waff-O! waffle

RP Character: Shell

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