Thread  RSS RP 2008 Thread 1

# 15179 17 years ago on Tue, Jul 15 2008 at 2:03 am

Dianna nodded and accepted the shopping list. "Yes, M-" She cut herself off, visibly biting the word back. Her emotions were not programmed into her. The "supervisor" thing, however, was. It was fairly difficult to resist, but even that had to succumb to a direct order. "My apologies. I will address you properly from now on. I will be back soon."

She began to skip her way out of the quarters complex. She was doing a task for Asake! She was being useful! A useful Dianna was a happy Dianna! It helped her believe she wasn't a burden on him. She hadn't gotten very far when she saw a red-haired girl and her boyfriend walking along together. Well, she was kinda-sorta dragging him along, but it was close enough! She ran over to them and beamed at the pair. "Hey! My name's Dianna and I'm new around here and I don't know where the grocery store is which is kinda a problem because what if hunger happens you know so anyway I was wondering if you could help me find it because that would be great and super helpful!" She paused and took a breath, because that's what her data told her was what humans did, and doing things like humans did made them less uncomfortable in your presence. "But you don't have to obviously, I mean, I don't want to get in your way if you guys are on a date or something."

# 15180 17 years ago on Tue, Jul 15 2008 at 6:19 am

He takes a long, hard pull and sinks it all into his lungs and closes his eyes. Wow, this rush is really what he loved. "Are you nervous?" She asked him. He chuckles at her question and thinks to himself, "Not anymore"

"It's funny how I've been a human all my life and I still can't even begin to scratch the surface of a small piece of a fraction of beginning to understand my own nature.. The nature of my people. I can't compare it to anything, because I've only been a human, and everything I do has become second nature due to me doing it since I was born, so I don't even notice most thoughts, feelings and so on. I don't think our thought processes would be much different, though. Humans think by translating electrical impulses flowing down the neurons into chemical messages across the synapses and vice versa. Each thought is just the individual observing these events. cyborg function the same, the only difference is maybe the chemistry, which they function without. I don't really know the physics of it, but I'm pretty sure it would be similar." As he spoke, the pull flowed through his mouth and nose.

Renald looks at Marise in awe, realizing that she's more machine than human, yet they are similar in more than a few ways. In some ways, it felt to him like they connected at a much deeper level than many other humans that he met. His inner philosopher engaged in pushing deeper than usual thoughts.

"It feels weird.. I don't think I'm the right person to ask. I don't feel human all the time. Sometimes I just feel like some conscious essence trapped in a human body. My mind is way bigger than my body .. So to speak. It's really confusing.. So how does it feel to be a cyborg??"

Renald took another tug on the cig and flicks it out the window, then lays down on the bed, looking on at Marise, his legs swinging.

# 15181 17 years ago on Tue, Jul 15 2008 at 10:35 am

Matticon was just coming back from shopping... That was a lot of clothes. He looked down at his watch. Was it that time already? "It's over there," Matticon replied, pointed to a nearby colony, then turned to Marise. "Hey, we should go sleep. It's getting late." Matticon yawned softly. Moving in... And it was only the first day here? He was going to have one heck of a day tomorrow, if it was the same hectic runaround.

"Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt!"

# 15182 17 years ago on Tue, Jul 15 2008 at 9:47 pm

Marise could tell that Renald was nervous as he mumbled his words. She giggled a bit "Are you nervous?" She looked at him as he held to arm and offered her one "I would like too...but I can't. I automatically shut down if I do but I don't really know the details." She sighed having to bring up that she was just a machine always made her upset. "Renald, was is it like to be human?" She asked curiously.

Waff-O! waffle

RP Character: Shell

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# 15183 17 years ago on Wed, Jul 16 2008 at 6:19 am

"You don't need to feel scared and alone anymore. I'm here."

He puts his arm around her shoulder.

"I'm glad I made you happy."

Renald pokes Marise a few times in her side, and looks at her adjust some strands of hair.

"Don't feel anyhow from now on, okay? And if you do, just remember that Renald's got you."

He closes his eyes and imagines a lake with many ripples in it. The lake starts to calm, and the water sets still. Maybe this was his subconscious mind relaying an analogy for how at peace he felt now. He knew they would be great friends for a long time. He just knew it.

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