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# 15189 17 years ago on Fri, Jul 18 2008 at 6:19 am

Renald continues reading on for his book, thoroughly engrossed in the novel. He always loved the author for his ability to portray grand works of art, using your mind's eye as the canvas and words as the paint. "Holy crap, this guy is great!" Renald thought.

When hearing that he had gotten another email from his parents, he closed the book and looked at Marise.

"Oh, can you read that for me, Marise??"

# 15190 17 years ago on Fri, Jul 18 2008 at 10:35 am

Matticon put on a fake smile. "Sure, Dianna!" He really didn't like perky people, but whatever. She seemed nice, and Matticon kinda needed a friend, cyborgs or no. But hey, he only needed a couple. Hopefully they didn't drag him into anything. Dianna was nice... Too nice... Matticon yawned. It was... What time? "Hey, Dianna. I know cyborgs don't need to sleep, but I do... So I'm going to Marise's and my quarters." He turned to Marise. "Do what you want, be it stay here or come with me. And remember, you don't have to follow every little order I give." He then walked toward his quarters. Wait a second. Dianna breathed? She must be one of the older ones. Retro, he thought it was. Matticon continued walking, satisfied with the day.

"Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt!"

# 15191 17 years ago on Fri, Jul 18 2008 at 9:47 pm

"I'm a cyborg too!" Called it! "It's really nice to meet you two and I'd love to just talk for a bit and get to know you guys better so we could be great friends but I still need to get the groceries so I can't yet but we should totally get together and talk sometime cause that would be awesome!"

Marise wasn't at all fazed by Dianna's mini-rant - She slowly analyzed it and answered each question (Not questions) in her mind (Or what substituted for one). "It would be great to get to know you, too," Marise agreed, "I think we'd be good friends - But about the groceries thing, I don't know how to help you there, really." Marise laughed nervously and scratched the back of her head - Her long ponytail swayed back and forth as she did so.

Marise heard Matticon's all-too-familiar yawn to her right. "Hey, Dianna. I know cyborgs don't need to sleep, but I do... So I'm going to Marise's and my quarters." Oh, right, we'll be going now, Marise wanted to say, but it seemed a bit rude.

"Do what you want, be it stay here or come with me. And remember, you don't have to follow every little order I give." That seemed oddly like a paradox. If she didn't have to follow all of his orders, couldn't she not follow that order and follow all his orders, which would be disobeying him and... Marise stopped. Her head started to hurt, there, for some reason. She cringed and set herself straight again. "How about I go out with you tomorrow? We can both get groceries then - I planned to go out tomorrow, anyways, and if you don't mind waiting another day, we could go together," Marise offered. "How about it?"

Waff-O! waffle

RP Character: Shell

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# 15192 17 years ago on Sat, Jul 19 2008 at 2:03 am

Dianna's eyes shone with excitement at Marise's suggestion. "That'd be wonderful! I'll totally go with you tomorrow! I live with my owner, Asake Imori, in room C-1 so if you get up before me and I'm not already down here and waiting to go then that's where I'll be because wandering around randomly when you have an appointment to keep is a bad idea and super rude and really kinda dumb because you're almost certain to be late and then what's the point you know?"

As the only person in her presence right now was a fellow cyborgs, Dianna didn't bother with breathing this time. "Anyway yeah we'll totally go together tomorrow and it will be great and awesome and the best grocery run ever and we will get ALL THE DEALS and then I can help you out with whatever you were planning to do originally and then we can be friends and that will be super amazing in its own right and oh my gosh I just realized I need to tell Asake about this so he doesn't wonder why I came back so soon and without food! Goodnight Marise! I'm looking forward to tomorrow!"

# 15193 17 years ago on Sat, Jul 19 2008 at 10:35 am

Matticon opened his eyes... And Marise was hitting him... "Mercy! Mercy!" He yelled. But it was garbled by laughter. Marise, you sly trickster! He just woke up and was already being attacked. He slowly took Marise off him and ate breakfast. "Wow! This is really good, Marise." Then, he changed for school. He had on a white shirt, blue jeans, and a pair of black converses. He said to Marise, "Hey, I'll need to leave earlier today to get to school on time."

"Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt!"

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