Thread  RSS Shmup roundup

# 15257 16 years ago on Mon, Feb 16 2009 at 4:37 pm

Shmups are fun. I'm a long-time fan of GradiusS and R-type, to name a couple. On and off I've been trying to find a good game online for a while, without much luck. So, I gave up searching for places to play and just went and made one. It's pretty much empty at the moment and based upon shoot-m-up style games, primarily R-Type and Gradius.

Hopefully, it'll end up as intended, and become a sort of crossover game vaguely similar in theme to Super Robot Wars. Only with little fighter craft instead of mecha. It's not intended to be very serious.

So I've got to get better at selling my own game first if I plan to actually advertise it anywhere else.

Anyway, Super Shooter Wars can be found at the following link: user link on

# 15258 16 years ago on Tue, Feb 17 2009 at 7:39 pm

I've played Darius Twin, Gradius II (Life Force), and Sol-Feace. I had Sol-Feace for the Sega CD and still listen to the soundtrack sometimes.

73's, KD8FUD

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# 15259 16 years ago on Wed, Feb 18 2009 at 10:41 pm

Shoot-em-up games have always frayed my nerves for some reason. They can be fun but I have trouble concentrating when playing them.

I don't know. Dodging stuff constantly makes me jittery.

"Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt!"

# 15260 16 years ago on Fri, Feb 20 2009 at 1:42 am

A screen full of racing projectiles isn't for everyone.

I used to play Blasteroids, if anybody remembers that old ancient thing.

The blue sky is infinitely high, crystal clear...that's what the world should be...a world of infinite possibilities, laid before us, crystal clear"

# 15261 16 years ago on Sat, Feb 21 2009 at 4:44 am

WOW Karma, that game for the Atari? You were one of the lucky kids to have video games that far back grin


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