Thread  RSS Software Synths

# 15388 15 years ago on Fri, Apr 2 2010 at 6:20 pm

I recently upgraded my computer and installed Windows 7.

Unfortunately, the (very old) version of Cakewalk (the music / MIDI creation software I use) is not compatible with Windows 7 since native support for 16-bit applications is gone.

So... I upgraded to Cakewalk Music Creator 5, which works well for creating music using my outboard synths but also (like most modern DAWs) supports software synths!

I'm slowly making the transition to using software synths although it's like I'll use my outboard gear in combination with it.

Does anyone out there who makes music have any suggestions for good software-based synths to get?

73's, KD8FUD

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# 15389 15 years ago on Wed, Apr 7 2010 at 11:08 pm

I myself don't make music but a friend of mine uses Logic (for the Mac) and he has a ton of plugins and synths that he uses, all contained in the computer. I don't think any of them would be compatible with your setup but Logic comes with a bunch of them.

Guess the best thing to do would be to shop around and see what's out there that you like.

"Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt!"

# 15390 15 years ago on Tue, Apr 13 2010 at 3:56 am

Guess the best thing to do would be to shop around and see what's out there that you like.

Yeah. So far I'm looking around to find software equivalents of the multi-timbral gear that I've used for years (the Roland Sound Canvas 880 and the Korg SG-Rack) so I don't lose the sounds I already have.

73's, KD8FUD

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# 15391 15 years ago on Sun, Apr 18 2010 at 8:44 am

Reason has some nice built-in synths although I don't think that's particularly going to help you if you're using other software.

From what I understand there's a ton of free VSTs out there to play with though I wouldn't be able to vouch for how good the are.

# 15392 15 years ago on Fri, Apr 23 2010 at 1:32 pm

Not being a musicician nor a recording tech, I can't help much in this department but make sure your computer is fast enough as those plugins can be CPU hogs.

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