Thread  RSS Software Synths

# 15398 15 years ago on Mon, May 24 2010 at 6:18 pm

If you're upgrading for doing music why not just get a Mac with Garage Band or Logic?

That's industry standard, my dude. Anything else, especially PC based, is just beating around the bush.

# 15399 15 years ago on Tue, May 25 2010 at 4:24 am

My brother has a Mac with Logic and he creates all kind of cool stuff.

I prefer to stick to the Windows platform (for now) due to the fact that all of my software is for the PC. Switching to a Mac would be insanely expensive and I just shelled out an unholy amount of money for Adobe Creative Suite, not to mention the complete hardware upgrade on the computer itself.

I think Sonar / Cakewalk are respectable enough as industry standards in recording. Logic is great but it's not the only option.

Now, I will admit that I don't have full-blown Sonar; I just have the watered-down version although I may upgrade to Sonar down the road if it's not exorbitantly expensive.

73's, KD8FUD

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# 15400 15 years ago on Fri, May 28 2010 at 10:14 pm

Nitro, funny enough I still have some re-mixes / re-instrumentations of your stuff that I did lying around here somewhere.

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