Posts by Miroku

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Chrome Symphony - Chapter 4
Shell, Duncan, and Elise took the elevator down to the lowest level of the hotel. An observation area with a nearly unobstructed view of space ran around the circumference of the colony ring. The colony changed its position to either allow or block su...
9 years ago on Sunday, Apr 3 2016 5:58 pm
Chrome Symphony - Chapter 4
Shell finished her drink and stood up. She called out to the others. "Yo!", she yelled, "We're going to meet up for dinner in a little while!" Elise, Atlas, and Jess were still out near the water. Renk got up from his lounge chair, gathered up a f...
9 years ago on Saturday, Apr 2 2016 5:17 pm
Chrome Symphony - Chapter 4
Shell noticed Atlas looking at the beach. She then looked at Jess, who appeared very tense. Renk was laughing very nervously, as if he were trying to force himself not to break down from stress. In fact, Renk was really yucking it up over there next to...
9 years ago on Friday, Apr 1 2016 8:09 pm
Snow White with the Red Hair
Just an update. The series concluded in a pretty unsatisfying way. There wasn't any closure, to speak of, just all the major conflicts were resolved and a "happily ever after" type ending. Prett anti-climatic, even if the show was nice overall. ...
9 years ago on Thursday, Mar 31 2016 4:47 pm
Humans, 'unicorns' may have walked Earth at same time: study
Unicorns are seriously crunk! Misleading headline much? Why do so many news web sites do this, even the "respectable" ones? A rhinoceros is not a unicorn. It's not even close. Why you gots be lyin', To be honest, I just had my hop...
9 years ago on Wednesday, Mar 30 2016 11:14 am
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