Posts by vega7285

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Artists Wanted!
Well, umm...I'm kind of in a not drawing much phase. Although I am working on Gren's fresh look. And have a few RP characters for elsewhere I'll be drawinge ventually. Other than that, I'm relatively free as far as drawing stuff goe...
20 years ago on Friday, Mar 18 2005 6:45 am
Theme Music
Here's some music I've picked up on. Tiara Menari would make a good general theme for heroism or a battle theme, maybe. Gren's personal battle theme (in traditional RPGs, this would imply the heroes would fight him at some point) is ...
20 years ago on Thursday, Mar 17 2005 6:48 am
2214 RP Thread 2
"Well, I guess you can start by buying me one so we can discuss things over our drinks," Gren replied. A few moments later, he was seated across from the Tennou at one of the tables. "Now, then. I assume you'd be wanting more than a cup of co...
20 years ago on Wednesday, Mar 16 2005 6:59 pm
2214 RP Thread 2
Gren wouldn't be too difficult to find, if the Tennou could get a bit of a description to go by. The Bydo was, at the moment, idling in the medical facility's reception area. He'd need to speak with Electra about her disguise ideas, but had at least ret...
20 years ago on Wednesday, Mar 16 2005 6:33 pm
Theme Music
It's sort of a semi-tradition of mine, so I might as well make this thread here, too. But, I'm a fan of assigning theme music to characters. Sort of composing a pseduo-soundtrack. So, if anyone else feels moved to do so, I'd like them to join...
20 years ago on Wednesday, Mar 16 2005 5:57 pm
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