Posts by Wolfwood29

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What kind of mobile device do you use?
I have an HTC Evo, which I'm assuming is similar to your Eris. How do you like the interface? ...
15 years ago on Saturday, Jun 5 2010 5:12 am
Software Synths
Just a thought but it would be cool if you used live instruments (like guitar) for some more of your tracks. Now that you have a proper recording software package that should be a little easier for you. ...
15 years ago on Wednesday, May 19 2010 1:30 pm
Avenged Sevenfold
Can't say I've ever heard of them. What style of music? ...
15 years ago on Tuesday, May 4 2010 10:29 pm
Software Synths
I myself don't make music but a friend of mine uses Logic (for the Mac) and he has a ton of plugins and synths that he uses, all contained in the computer. I don't think any of them would be compatible with your setup but Logic comes with a bunch of them...
15 years ago on Wednesday, Apr 7 2010 11:08 pm
Rant About Something
I don't get the appeal of Twitter. Why do people want to know every tiny detail of celebrities' lives? Why do people feel the need to share absolutely everything? I don't need to know the last time you took a dump or what you're having for lunch! ...
15 years ago on Saturday, Mar 27 2010 10:16 am
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