Posts by KarmaJolt

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Chrome Symphony [OOC] - Episode III
I'm more interested in doing what needs to be done to keep the story going, IF the story is going anywhere. Episode 3 started out like it was going to go somewhere interesting but I've been seeing a lot of "I'm stuck" and "where is this headed" discuss...
9 years ago on Wednesday, Apr 20 2016 12:14 pm
Chrome Symphony - Chapter 5
Camay finished up some work in her office at the L1 colony before locking the door and heading back to her quarters. She sent a quick message to the other scientists at the colony, informing them that she would be absent for a time. After sending th...
9 years ago on Tuesday, Apr 19 2016 4:49 pm
Chrome Symphony [OOC] - Episode III
Seeing your latest post, looks like Camay's going to Earth to join the group. I'll play. Let's just do this. ...
9 years ago on Tuesday, Apr 19 2016 4:04 pm
Chrome Symphony [OOC] - Episode III
I'm still not sure about joining in during this chapter. I was going to play Camay again but if she's mostly behind the scenes, it's probably not going to be very interesting with her. I'd play Elise but I just don't know how to properly play that cha...
9 years ago on Tuesday, Apr 19 2016 2:27 pm
Chrome Symphony [OOC] - Episode III
I'm kind of in the same line of thinking as Kyler. I'd like to join in again but I'm going to watch for a while (or at least wait until things are about to start) before committing to anything. It's just been a draining experience with everything blow...
9 years ago on Friday, Apr 15 2016 5:33 pm
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