Topic | Posting Time |
Commercial Space Port By the time we're able to make trips out that far, there should be some sort of system in place on spacecraft that would block off most radiation, either with some sort of material on the hull of the craft, or energy emitted that would break up the radiat... | 20 years ago on Wednesday, Mar 16 2005 7:24 am |
Commercial Space Port Realistically, if it happens within our lifetimes, we'll probably be in our 60's or 70's by the time average people are taking trips to the moon.
... | 20 years ago on Tuesday, Mar 15 2005 4:52 pm |
Commercial Space Port This is true. Although when there's a huge economic potential, as there would be with space travel, things like this tend to get worked out.
After all, it's all about the Benjamins .
... | 20 years ago on Tuesday, Mar 15 2005 9:49 am |
Commercial Space Port's Jeff Bezos bought 165k acres of land down in Texas, for the purpose of building the world's first commercial space port.
Leave it to the owners of major web sites to be visionaries A good thing, I say, since this would be the first... | 20 years ago on Tuesday, Mar 15 2005 8:12 am |
Final Fantasy XII Turn-based battle systems aren't really my thing. Secret of Mana was more fun for me because the battles were real-time, and didn't switch screens between exploring and battle. Plus, the "sword-charging" aspect of it was fun.
I wish Seiken De... | 20 years ago on Tuesday, Mar 15 2005 7:34 am |
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