Posts by Helena

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Happy New Year!
This year has been hell for me, sadly, but I'm hoping things will improve soon. Had to move again, lost my job, but fortunately found another job (it's a little further away than I would like, but at least it's something) and I'm picking myself back up. ...
4 years ago on Saturday, Aug 8 2020 11:57 am
Happy New Year!
Checking in, hope everybody's doing okay and staying safe. Like a lot of people, I was laid off from my job so I'm just "sheltering in place" and trying to ride things out without panicking too much. Fingers crossed that the storm passes soon. ...
4 years ago on Friday, Apr 24 2020 9:44 pm
Happy New Year!
Just chiming in to let everybody know I'm still alive! I moved recently and just got my Internet set up at the new place. ...
5 years ago on Tuesday, Feb 11 2020 1:23 pm
Word Association
Pretentiousness ...
5 years ago on Saturday, Jan 25 2020 7:03 pm
The new album is ready!
On Saturday, September 14th, 2019 at 1:06 am, Wolfwood29 said: Cool, cool. Just put it on my playlist, FYI. One problem I have when listening to this kind of music in the car is making sure I don't speed. Eurodance tends to encourage speeding. Must...
5 years ago on Saturday, Jan 25 2020 7:03 pm
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