Posts by Stratus

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2214 will continue?
Oh sweet I'm glad to hear it. Looking forward to new updates. ...
1 year ago on Thursday, Sep 14 2023 2:49 am
Is YouTube Going Away?
YouTube appears to be on its way out - as least as we know it today. The following is speculative although not purely conjecture. There are some supporting facts. YouTube recently came under fire for running ads alongside "offensive content", includi...
7 years ago on Wednesday, Mar 29 2017 4:11 am
Your favorite all-time anime?
I like Ghost in the Shell, both the OVA's and the full series (SAC too), if I just had to pick one, I'd say SAC is my top fave. ...
8 years ago on Wednesday, May 18 2016 4:05 am
Chrome Symphony - Episode III [OOC] - Second Thread
If the decision to end this story changes, I'm kind of interested in participating. ...
8 years ago on Wednesday, May 4 2016 7:01 am
NASA releases strange "music" from Apollo mission
Say, that's an interesting piece of audio. ...
9 years ago on Sunday, Feb 28 2016 3:35 pm
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