Posts by KarmaJolt

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Page 110
Zetsfir's probably got a whole army waiting in hiding for the moment when they activated the Morgan's Gate. That's probably why we haven't seen them yet... it might be that "other planet" they are hiding on. ...
20 years ago on Monday, Mar 21 2005 6:46 pm
Final Fantasy XII
Ever since Final Fantasy VIII, it seems like Square stopped giving the Final Fantasy games their full effort. My favorite was VII, which, although the graphics were very unrefined (mostly the walkaround scenes), the storyline and music were great. ...
20 years ago on Saturday, Mar 12 2005 6:35 am
Has he given up on lurking?
More new faces. Hello Jarvis. ...
20 years ago on Saturday, Mar 12 2005 6:26 am
Page 109
I'm surprised no one mentioned the fact that the Zetsfir woman removed her breathing mask. Apparently that's not a life support system (or inside the Morgan's Gate she doesn't need it?). Must be some weird occult thing with the masks and capes...
20 years ago on Saturday, Mar 12 2005 3:45 am
Favorite Foods
Blood pudding? I could never eat that - just the thought of it is giving me the dry heaves. God that's gross. ...
20 years ago on Friday, Mar 4 2005 8:19 pm
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