Super Poster
Kokomo, Indiana
Posts: 1488
Never before has the future release of a video game made me wonder how I'm going to scrape up the money to afford it.
Not only will I need to buy a Playstation 4; I'll have to buy a new TV with HDMI inputs. Believe it or not, my TV is an old standard definition CRT with RCA inputs. I'm still living in 2005.
That's one expensive vidya game.
Still, GET HYPE. Goodness gracious pimps alive, I'm looking forward to it.
73's, KD8FUD

Tulsa, Oklahoma
Posts: 247
The trailer and the previews look effin sweet but it's going to be episodic, which I don't know how to feel about that. That and the possibility they're going to change other aspects of the game like turn-based / vs real time action and some story elements (Don Corneo's mansion bit and Honeybee Manor). You seriously still have an old CRT?!! LCDs are dirt cheap now.
It doesn't matter if the glass is half empty or half full. There's clearly enough room for more wine.
Super Poster
Kokomo, Indiana
Posts: 1488
I thought the rumors about the FF7 remake being episodic were unconfirmed. If that's true, I don't know what to think about it. I tend to play through RPGs relatively quickly and waiting a month or more between episodes would really break the momentum of the experience.
Maybe that's a sign that "binge playing" is probably not good - for several reasons.
73's, KD8FUD

Orono, Maine
Posts: 334
Somehow, the more worrisome aspect to me is that they felt some need to change up the battle system. Square Enix (among other companies) seems convinced that the old, traditional RPG formula with turn-based combat is "dead" or "unwanted" or otherwise just won't sell with modern gamers. Which is strange, because they also know that it does.
Bravely Default did quite well, and that it did surprised Square Enix. Some guy said "Hey, I want to make a traditional turn-based game with a job class system and other stuff we used to do." and they gave him a team and thought it wouldn't do well. Crazy.
Anyway, what I'm really want to say is, they could literally just redo FF7 exactly as-is, with updated graphics, engine, and voice acting or whatever, but not touching any aspect of the plot or gameplay, and it would still sell millions of copies. It ain't broke; there's no need to try and fix it.
...On the other hand, that they're finally making a remake means they have essentially admitted either that they're just cashing in on nostalgia of their fans, or that they haven't managed to best a game that's getting on decades-old for a 32-bit system, despite everything they've done since.
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Posts: 247
On Sunday, January 3rd, 2016 at 5:49 pm, vega7285 said:
It ain't broke; there's no need to try and fix it.
Exactly. Game developers tend to change things just for the sake of change and it rarely is an improvement.
...On the other hand, that they're finally making a remake means they have essentially admitted either that they're just cashing in on nostalgia of their fans, or that they haven't managed to best a game that's getting on decades-old for a 32-bit system, despite everything they've done since.
Story-wise, they definitely haven't bested FF7. Why, exactly, is what baffles me. Did all of their good writers leave? I did like 10 and 12 but for different reasons than the story.
It doesn't matter if the glass is half empty or half full. There's clearly enough room for more wine.