Thread  RSS Final Fantasy XV

# 8524 9 years ago on Mon, Jan 4 2016 at 2:09 pm
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Final Fantasy 15. I'm not sure what to think quite yet.

Square Enix has been doing some things with story arcs across the Final Fantasy games recently (which is a departure from the games before 7's storyline). Because I don't own any modern consoles right now (the Playstation 2 is the most recent console I have), I haven't played them but have seen footage and reviews.

My first impression of FFXV was that it was all about a group of guys with a fancy car havin' good times and livin' it up.

73's, KD8FUD

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# 8539 9 years ago on Mon, Jan 4 2016 at 9:15 pm

In March Square's finally going to decide when to announce the release date. It's releaseception.

The setting's supposed to be similar to FF7, with a modern day feel (cities, cars, electronics, electricity) but with the sword and sorcery interwoven (just like FF7). Maybe Square Enix is simultaneously doing a FF7 remake while they do a FF7 remake. (Yo dawg, I heard you like FF7 remakes)

The battle system's going to be Kingdom-Hearts style (minus the snoopy wink) which I don't mind though ATB is still the best in my opinion.

Aside from all that, the gameplay footage impressed me and I hope Squenix doesn't drag their ass.

It doesn't matter if the glass is half empty or half full. There's clearly enough room for more wine.

# 8545 9 years ago on Mon, Jan 4 2016 at 9:28 pm

Meh. To be honest, I'm surprised they're still making Final Fantasy games except people are still buying them despite the most recent games being rehashes of the same general plot over and over again.

Sure, the graphics are getting prettier but I haven't seen a compelling story line in a Final Fantasy game since 7.

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