Thread  RSS An archive, eh? How novel

# 9459 18 years ago on Wed, Feb 14 2007 at 1:26 am

I haven't actually read any of the comic yet, but I applaud you nevertheless on making it very easy for me to read it all, sir. As someone who both writes a comic and works a fair bit with automated processes to tackle the inadequacies of content on the Web that should by all rights be homogeneous, I really appreciate how easy you've made it. No wasted bandwidth for me. smiley

I shall definitely be returning, whether if it's only to say I didn't like it, or to continue reading indefinitely. With such a sensible head on your shoulders, though, I don't think I shall be disappointed.

*JKing considers suggesting such an archive to his colleague, immediately hatching schemes involving ludicrously simple scripting.

# 9460 18 years ago on Mon, Feb 19 2007 at 4:21 pm

Wow, I'm impressed by all the big words raspberry

Speaking of the archive, I looked at the zip of all the comics. I think your .zip file producting code doesn't like single quotes... it puts a slash on there and the .zip file thinks it's a directory.

Might wanna turn off magic quotes if they're on.

"Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt!"

# 9461 18 years ago on Mon, Feb 19 2007 at 6:15 pm

Post by Wolfwood29 on Monday, February 19, 2007 9:21 pm:

Wow, I'm impressed by all the big words

That's what happens when you learn English as a second language: you either fail miserably, or you take it a little too far. smiley

Speaking of the archive, I looked at the zip of all the comics. I think your .zip file producting code doesn't like single quotes... it puts a slash on there and the .zip file thinks it's a directory.

Might wanna turn off magic quotes if they're on.

It does seem fairly clear that magicquotes_gpc is indeed on, but the trouble is even -more- insidious! Not only is an errant backslash producing a directory structure within the archive, but there are also several characters in the file names that are, to my knowledge, illegal in any filesystem worth mentioning: namely, the interrogation mark and double-quotation mark. This means that the files in the archive cannot be extracted, which clearly sucks.

Thus, unfortunately, I've had to browse the archive of comics in the more typical fashion. Not the end of the world, but using the archive would have been nice.

# 9462 18 years ago on Mon, Feb 19 2007 at 6:43 pm

This won't be too hard to fix.

EDIT: magicquotes_gpc is turned off and has always been off on this server as well as my dev server. I think some of the files may have been uploaded after moving between servers, therefore having some weird stuff happening in there.

There is some odd behavior on this live server; on my dev server the zip file does not have any odd things going on. I'm not sure if it's still a good idea to allow question marks and quotes in the file names, but it doesn't seem to do anything odd.

Funny thing is, WinRAR automagically replaces the illegal characters with underscores... but given that not every program does that, I've changed the code to remove these characters from the file names.

73's, KD8FUD

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# 9463 18 years ago on Mon, Feb 19 2007 at 6:52 pm

*nix systems including OS X typically don't have a problem with filenames containing special characters, you just need to make sure they're escaped.

You can quite comfortably create a file called '\' using 'touch \\' on the command line.

Having said that, I'm probably just nit-picking yay

don't mind me.

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