Thread  RSS RSS

# 9514 19 years ago on Sat, May 13 2006 at 4:16 pm

Per request, I'm providing a quick explanation of RSS, what it is, and how to use it. I'll be referring to it mostly in regard to its implementation on this site.

RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication", although I've seen it stand for "RDF Site Summary" as well. Basically, RSS is a way of making a small summary of a web site's content available without the user actually having to visit the site. For dial-up connections, this has a particular speed benefit because the user does not have to wait for the bulk of the site's content to load in order to see if the site has been updated.

Sites like are referred to as sites with 'dynamic content", because they are updated frequently and the content on these sites has a timely nature to it (up until recently, hasn't exhibited as much of this as it should have smiley


73's, KD8FUD

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# 9515 19 years ago on Sun, May 14 2006 at 8:15 pm

You are my god for the day, man. (I'm actually surprised I don't see more forums with RSS capability, but i don't look very hard) This is really handy for bums like me who only drop in sporadically. (I bet there are quite a few people who've joined and even left since I was here last!) Definately gonna have to check this out...

Also, I noticed that when the thread loads in Thunderbird, it loads the first page. Might be more useful to have it display the latest page, ar the last X posts. (Adding another value to the _GET string in the URL that specifies that it's from the RSS, or something to specify that it should display the X newest posts, which could have other practical value to boot)

And last, this could be something on my end, but when I set the feed to display the summary instead of loading the page, it still loads the actual page. Dunno if that's how it's intended to work or not.

# 9516 19 years ago on Sun, May 14 2006 at 11:24 pm

Weird. Both the category and thread RSS feeds pull up the most recent post content.

Are you sure you've got the most recent feeds pulled up in Thunderbird? I revised the RSS feeds some time yesterday, so you may have pulled in the earlier ones.

73's, KD8FUD

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# 9517 19 years ago on Mon, May 15 2006 at 12:46 pm

I haven't tried it in Thunderbird, but it shows the most recent posts in Firefox's live bookmarks.

# 9518 19 years ago on Mon, May 15 2006 at 2:52 pm

I tried it and it works the way it is supposed to. The thread RSS feeds pull up the last page of posts, starting with the newest post. The category feeds pull up the one most recent post for each of the 5 most recent threads in the category.

NK, you may want to re-load the feed in Thunderbird.

73's, KD8FUD

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