Thread  RSS Twitter, work, and mobile web

# 9757 16 years ago on Sat, Jan 10 2009 at 4:28 pm

New article in News (Regular musings and updates): Twitter, work, and mobile web

A few months ago when I was looking for ways to be frugal, I had the mobile web functionality on my phone removed from my wireless plan. Yesterday, I finally had it switched back on because some of my full-time work involves wireless applications.

Also, as part of my work, I finally buckled and signed up for a Twitter Account. It's kind of interesting; since I turned my phone's web connection back on I've been posting frequent updates. Today, I even added the status feed to this site (look above this rant column).

Although it was in my plans to get another 2214 page finished before the new year, that didn't happen, obviously. Right now, I'm trying to figure out the best way to script what happens at the end of the current chapter, as it's a radical break from the setting the characters have been trapped in for this very (compared to previous chapters) story arc....

Read the rest of the article here: user link on

You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you.

-- Eric Hoffer

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