Thread  RSS Whew.

# 9764 16 years ago on Sat, Jan 24 2009 at 6:56 am

New article in News (Regular musings and updates): Whew.

I made some changes to the site related to some backend tools that were added Saturday. The site was broken to some extent for a few hours Saturday afternoon; it seems to be working again.

The tools I'm referring to are a calendar system and a mobile-friendly notes manager, connected to the site - for consolidating backups, more than anything else. It's easier than having to manage several web accounts, although Google Calendar certainly is fantastic. I'll probably still use it alongside what was built this weekend.

So... Page 133 is in the works and I'll be working on finishing that art piece that was started in 2005. It's nothing spectacular; more than anything else, it was just forgotten about for a long time and it seems like it begs to be finished.

As for that Twitter Account I started a few weeks ago, it's amazing how some people can update their status so frequently. There's no way it's going to be that sustainable on my end, given the stuff ...

Read the rest of the article here: user link on

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-- Simon Cameron

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