Thread  RSS Switching to Firefox

# 10703 20 years ago on Sun, Apr 17 2005 at 7:30 pm

I had to use Firefox rather frequently during the course of testing for this freelance project I am working on. After getting well acquainted with this browser, I've decided to use it as my default browser. I've used it before, since everything gets tested in all the major browsers.

The reasons? Well, first off, the tabbed browsing. It's just plain nifty. Also, it's a lot easier to manage your cookies, temporary files, etc. There are also the security benefits, which I do not understand in detail.

Does using Firefox protect you from spyware-installing sites completely? If it does, I'm sold on it.

The one problem with Firefox is that a lot of Flash animations play very slowly compared to I.E.

73's, KD8FUD

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# 10704 20 years ago on Mon, Apr 18 2005 at 10:10 am


I've been using Opera for a long time, because it has that nice featured of "tabbed browsing". Especially if you are on dial-up and read multiple web comics, it's a lot easier to have each comic load in a tab so you can read them as they finish downloading

Waff-O! waffle

RP Character: Shell

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# 10705 20 years ago on Mon, Apr 18 2005 at 4:05 pm

Nitro already knows that I'm a big fan of Firefox.

The reasons I like it aren't as most would think, security and stability... It's actually because of venkmann which is a really cool tool when you're writing JavaScript and the other awesome developer tools.

Of course, the popup blocker and general security were the initial attractions to it.

My last reason for using it is because on Linux, the alternatives are less than succifient for my needs.

[Insert Diagram of Eating a battery]

[Insert Diagram of Eating 5 batteries]

# 10706 20 years ago on Mon, Apr 18 2005 at 10:08 pm

CodeWarrior probably knows I've been using Firefox even before him.

I like it for lots of reasons, but tabbed browsing is certainly one of those main ones. I love just clicking bunch of links on one page with middle button and have the relevant pages load in background, while still reading the main page. I've even been using Tabbrowser extension lately, which adds some nice additional features to it, like undo (in case you accidentally close tab), tab groups (so that tabs opened from one site are kept together and colored differently) and some others.

As for spyware installing sites, Nitro, it should be certainly safer, at least because most of them are targeted for IE, but I don't have to worry too much about these under linuxwink. Yeah, there are security holes even in Firefox, they just get usually fixed pretty fast (there was one posted about a week ago in 1.0.2, but it's fixed in 1.0.3).

To be honest, newever versions of Opera also have some nice features, but I am probably too much used to Firefox, besides the fact that I like open source. I use it for my internet banking, though, since it still doesn't work in Firefox (for those who know Javascript, they insist on using window.event at critical places ).

# 10707 20 years ago on Tue, Apr 19 2005 at 10:10 am

Being a Mac user, I'm not really a big part of the whole "Microsoft is evil" thing because Mac users can easily avoid using Microsoft products.

Even so, I use a few Microsoft products on here just because some of them are really good. IE for the Mac is not one of those, however. I've never used a buggier browser, ever, than when I used IE on my Mac.

IE works great on a PC as long as you're careful about which sites you visit.


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