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# 10728 20 years ago on Sun, May 22 2005 at 1:25 pm

Cool. As long as it's below the level of what I think was a resource for MIT students, I'll be fine. Could ya just send it to Thunderbird is slow and I'm impatient, the Stubble archives are callin' me, they are.

# 10729 20 years ago on Tue, Jun 7 2005 at 7:43 am

Nothing in particular, just the usual 'Dear god, ahve I violated series continuity/basic laws of physics somewhere.' That, and the perpertual 'Alright, now how can I break it?' rule.

Terragauss? You mean like using the earth's magnetic field differential as a power source? Interesting idea, if you want to be totally cracked-out. Probably not too effective on the grand scheme of things though, the magnetic field has to be in flux for power to be generated, so this durn thing would have to be huge. The reason fusion and antimatter are used so often is that you can theoretically get an enourmous amount of power out of a, relatively speaking, small generator.

Heh, as a corallary to what Doitsujin said, even if cold fusion was possible, it wouldn't stay cold for very long. Maybe even a nanosecond, if you're lucky. If any of the "scientists" researching cold fusion today actually succeeded on any usable scale, then probably end up torching a couple dozen city blocks with million degree plasma. Core containment, people. *pttthhhhhbt*

Sorry if I haven't been more useful, I'm a lot better with this when I'm given a specific question to resolve. I should probably try to pin you in IRC when we've got the chance.[/i]

# 10730 20 years ago on Tue, Jun 7 2005 at 7:43 am

May I ask what's the problem? Perhaps i can help there?

# 10731 20 years ago on Tue, Jun 7 2005 at 4:40 pm

Actually, just saw an article on Slashdot about some kind of cold fusion that works. Haven't checked into it yet, I'll wait for it to get tested and whatnot. Or in other words, I know next to nothing about fusion and even I'm skeptical.

And I was actually thinking of using some kind of self-contained magnetic field, despite the logical impossiblities imposed by such an idea.

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