Thread  RSS 2214 RP Thread 3

# 10886 20 years ago on Mon, Mar 21 2005 at 4:33 am

(OoC: i know that it's my time now for a major explainer regarding Melvin, which will follow soon. I know that i left out their escape from New Pandora earlier, but i will add it in later. Oh, and note that this is chronologically not quite up with the rest of the events, it's supposed to have happened a bit earlier.)

Kyrannen's fighter vessel departed from New Pandora, escaping the turmoil that was going to start soon. The sensors of the Kadmasian fleet noticed it, but they were focused to

"Ok, we made it out, could you tell me please tell me now where we are heading, and most importantly, why did you risk your life to rescue me? I don't know even know you." Melvin asked Kyrannen.

"Well, Mr. Mohorovicic, I'm here because I want to find out the truth about what has been going on aboard the David Orbital Facility."

Melvin sighed.

"Whom are you working for? Fumacine? Kadmas? Zetsfir? And what exactly are you that you can read my mind?!?" he shouted at Kyrannen.

"Relax, relax. Neither of them."

He probably won't tell me whom. Judging from those weird signs on the consoles, i'd judge he must be some kind of an alien.

Kyrannen grinned. "Yes, you could say that."

"Great. Anyways, where are you heading now?" he shrouded.

"David. I'm sure you will enjoy seeing your old work place again, assuming it's still there."

# 10887 20 years ago on Tue, Mar 22 2005 at 12:41 pm

Big Al walked into the hangar and entered the Kadmasian war ship. The docks had been repaired inside the ship, showing few signs that a battle had ever taken place.

His old shuttle had been refurbished and was being washed down by a few crew personnel. Big Al walked over to them.

"You take good care of her, ok? She's been really good to me."

A crewman gave him the thumbs up.

"No problem, mister. So you're 'Big Al', huh? We've heard about some of the things you did as a fighter pilot. What're you doing flying shuttles?"

Big Al shook his head.

"For the longest time I stopped piloting fighters. Things have changed, though. I'll be returning to action once again."

The other crewmen turned around. The first crewman asked,

"They've brought the Pesachim onboard. So it's you that's going to fly it again?"

Big Al chuckled.

"Yes, yes... back in the saddle. Besides, they say I'm the only guy that knows how to fly that thing. Be a pal, and point me in the direction of where I can find it?"

The crewman gave Al a map of the dock.

"Compartment G, halfway around the circle. You can't miss it."

"Thanks. And be good to my shuttle, fellas."

Big Al walked over to compartment G, staring at the ship that he never thought he'd have to fly again.

It had a rather imposing figure to it, standing tall with sharp features. The entire hull had been polished, and the cannons tuned. He climbed up and opened the entry hatch.

Inside, the wide bucket seat surrounded by a massive control console beckoned with an all-to-familiar scent of plastics and glues. Even now, it smelled like a machine. Al sat down in the seat and turned on the systems. He swiveled the drink holder around next to the seat. Tapping at the controls, a heads-up display appeared showing the rear and side views, and a wide-angle view of the dock was shown through the thick, tempered glass cockpit shield.

He took a deep breath and just sat there.

"For one thing, I'm suprised I still fit in this seat. Second, I'm taking this thing to Goliath for a quick test run.... and a burger."

# 10888 20 years ago on Tue, Mar 22 2005 at 5:29 pm

Zotham walked down the streets of Fumacine city. Everywhere, people dressed in millitary clothing were moving around, doing every day things, not noticing the stranger in the green cloak.

"My orders are to infiltrate the palace and falsify official orders.", he thought to himself.

Once at the palace, Zotham slipped around to a small service entry, shown to him by his guidance systems. The hatch was easily broken open with his blade, and in he went.

(OOC: Zotham's guidance systems are an artificial intelligence communicating to him from an unknown source. The transmissions are encrypted to a degree that nobody can intercept them. He carries a communicator much like everybody else does and uses this to stay in constant conact with it.)

"Emperor's office is at the top of the elevator shaft, in the center floor of the dome."

To get up there, he'd have to take the elevator, which was a single glass tube in which he'd certainly be spotted... if it weren't for his cloaking device. The fabric of his cloak was able to bend light so as to make him invisible when it was switched on.

Zotham put up his hood, brought up his scarf to cover his face, and switched on the cloaking system. He went totally invisible, and darted towards the service door of the main elevator.

Once in the elevator shaft, rather than activating it, he started to scale the inside of the 2000-foot glass tube.

"Activating the elevator would be foolish. They would suspect something was happening should the elevator be moving without passengers."

Using special gloves that latched on and off to the glass surface with energy, he steadily climbed to the top, still invisible.

# 10889 20 years ago on Tue, Mar 22 2005 at 6:32 pm

Outside of the cafe, Electra, Jerod, Shell, and Gren were walking back over to the other side the plaza level, toward the elevator.

"Chances are, the guy we're looking for is still on the station somewhere. If we asked around, maybe someone knows something about where he might be."

Jerod scratched his head and started in the direction of his quarters.

"Since Atlas is gone, I'm going to need someone to replace him on this construction work. Anyone interested?"

# 10890 20 years ago on Tue, Mar 22 2005 at 6:43 pm

Gren shrugged. "I could use the work," he said. "And a place to stay, for that matter. My funds are getting a bit low, and I doubt I'll be able to find places to hide come the evening forever."

"And, before this whole fiasco started, I beleive I was trying to speak with you about a job."

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