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# 10896 20 years ago on Fri, Apr 29 2005 at 4:05 pm

"It's entirely possible that Zetsfir is attempting to overcome the barrier near Goliath."

The other two shrugged.

"You know, the reason why Zetsfir can't generate 5-D gates, or otherwise approach the moon Goliath. It's because of some electromagnetic anomaly. Chances are, they're trying to break through that. If they did manage to generate a gate near David, they could have been experimenting."

Shell stood there and thought for a moment.

"That means that what Big Al is seeing is really David, but not the David we're used to. Instead, he may have gone through a 5-D gate and is seeing the moon as it is in another dimension."

Waff-O! waffle

RP Character: Shell

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# 10897 20 years ago on Thu, May 5 2005 at 6:03 pm

I stared at the newcomer who had entered the room. "Can't anybody let me sulk in peace?"

"You look like you could do with a sparring partner."

I sized him up. He didn't look like too much, but he reminded me of someone but I just couldn't put my finger on it. "Yeah, actually... You're probably right."

I moved to a fair starting position as the newcomer picked his weapon, a polearm. I deliberately bluntened my katana in case I hurt him. As frustrated as I was I really didn't want to cause anybody some REAL pain.

He stood opposite me and we regarded each other for a brief moment before moving towards each other at a casual pace. I faked to his arm, which he was prepared for, following through with a slice to the belly which he also blocked. I smiled. This guy was no piece of cake.

Head, shoulder, legs, head, arms, he blocked everything I threw at him and we ended in a locked position. We grinned at each other. He took that opportunity to turn the offensive on me instead and took on his own thrusts and parries. His strength was rather uncommon, but I somehow managed to block them without getting touched.

"You're right." I grinned. "I think this is what the doctor ordered." The next bout was a lot more interesting with a strong series of counterattacks. As I swung for his chest, he blocked with the pole and used the back end to aim for my waist, which I grabbed. I pushed the pole to the ground and vaulted over it, trying to kick his head, but I was a touch too short.

Despite having me on one end of the pole, the man still managed to lift me up into the air and I lost my sword as I flew through the air. I managed to over backflip and landed rather painfully on my back, which knocked the wind out of me.


"You alright?"

"Th.... the pain...." I rasped as I tried to heave some air into my lungs. "That... that ruled..."

# 10898 20 years ago on Wed, May 18 2005 at 6:32 am

Shell walked into the room where Lynx and Gren were sparring.

"If you guys are about done, I think we've got our next mission lined up."

She looked around.

"I take it the Tennou still hasn't finished his planning session, or meeting, or whatever. What do you say we go ahead and check out David now?"

Waff-O! waffle

RP Character: Shell

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# 10899 20 years ago on Thu, May 19 2005 at 4:50 pm

Atlas stared on as the Pesachim passed by.

"What kind of fighter craft is that? I've never seen one of those models before. It must be some experimental model..."

He moved the mech further behind the asteroid in order to stay hidden.

Looking a little off to the right, he noticed a familiar piece of wreckage. It was part of the David Station's docking shaft.

"What's this doing here?"

Entering the half-mile-wide ring of wreckage, Atlas examined what was left of the station.

"No doubt about it, this is where we were earlier. Wait a minute, if this is the station, then these asteroids must be..."

At that moment, Atlas noticed the Pesachim, now speeding away in the distance. The form of the ship seemed to dissipate, as if looking through water, with the rippling effect increasing as the ship flew further away.

"Is that ship gating?"

"Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt!"

# 10900 20 years ago on Thu, May 19 2005 at 6:57 pm

"Never hurts to go and excercise excess aggression, eh?" Gren asked Lynx. "Especially when there are productive ways of doing it."

About that time, Shell arrived and made her suggestion. "Well, I'd consider it, if certain vehicles weren't in need of repairs or of dubious quality in the event of combat breaking out. Assuming the situation's the same, we'd need something capable of handling at high maneuverability to avoid debris fields."

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