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# 12181 9 years ago on Sat, Feb 6 2016 at 6:54 pm

I'd like to suggest an idea for the direction of the story.

How about the building had been infiltrated earlier by a terrorist organization and that has something to do with why the management offices were all vacant? Renk's military group could be special forces that are there to stop the terrorist faction on a covert mission.

The cloak-and-dagger nature of the mission has confused the authorities, hence why it's believed that the building was taken over by one group instead of two groups at a standoff with each other.


73's, KD8FUD

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# 12184 9 years ago on Sat, Feb 6 2016 at 7:33 pm

A few alternatives, off the top off my head:

The building takeover is at EMA's request, in order to prevent or stop some perceived attack on them.

The building is being taken over by government military forces as the beginning phase of a rather...intense investigation of some of EMA's shadier activities. This might lead nicely into things related to an actual war or other open conflict of sorts, but that's...probably something we're going to want to do eventually.

Anyway, yeah, it's probably a good time to get together and actually plan some things OOC, so a bit of a break is good.

We know so far that someone's causing some problems at Crest, and they may be some eternal group who has infiltrated the company, though it would have to be pretty local or low down for the megacorp not to notice and squash them. There may be some ties with EMA in this same group, as well.

Some things for my own two cents or original plans which might be useful:

- EMA is up to no good, in its own way. They're conducting clandestine human experiments on adepts. Not to say this is unique to them, as far as corrupt and horrible corp things, but it's going to come up eventually and play a part in things.

- Crest is presumably building their own army, though they're going more for cyborgs who are likely prisoners of their own bodies and sort of mind-controlled or similar.

- Chances are, if there's a major war-like event, it'll involve these two companies clashing with each other, or just the rest of the world.

I'm not sure what we'll be doing in the middle of all this. But I recall the original plan was to eventually end up on the run, and probably going to space.

Problem 1: we've got to get all the characters together as a single team or unit, at least if we want to be running around largely as a single "party" like in typical RPGs. There is no requirement for this, however. It IS more fun when there's character interaction, though.

Problem 2: We've got to learn some of them interesting bullets above and make us some enemies. I do figure running a few jobs for the right people could be part of it. Say some independent and sometimes terrorist-like organization that really has a beef with the corps and their treatment of adepts. Or perhaps we all get contacted by some mysterious hacker or similar third party with a request...

Anyway, some things to get brainstorming started here. Once we've got a better idea of where we're going and how we fit in, we can proceed.

# 12186 9 years ago on Sat, Feb 6 2016 at 7:46 pm

I vote that the actual plot is like what Vega suggested. Shell may initially see it as EMA having been infiltrated, due to her loyalty, however. Miroku, please chime in and let us know how you want Shell to play that part.

We all need to get into EMA headquarters. Shell has a reason to sneak inside and she's with Duncan right now at the coffee shop less than a block away. Renk's supposedly still in there, too.

I know that Jess is planning to sneak out and break into the building as well (Helena, let me know if I have that right). Atlas is presumably out on the street somewhere starving so we could run into him, too.

Vega, whatever you want to do with Elise, I'm not sure. The coffee shop would be a very good place to run into her right now... if that suits you.

This plan would get the whole group together so we can start the main thrust of the adventure.

73's, KD8FUD

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# 12189 9 years ago on Sat, Feb 6 2016 at 9:26 pm

I'm going to take a little break from the RP.

Anyone, feel free to write for Duncan as needed to advance the plot. I'm sure Duncan's well enough established that he's not too hard to figure out.

73's, KD8FUD

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# 12190 9 years ago on Sat, Feb 6 2016 at 9:40 pm

Going to do the same here, at least for the time being. I don't know what to have Atlas do right now and I'm a little short on time during the week anyway.

I'm cool with people playing him for a while if they want.

"Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt!"

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