Thread  RSS TV a top source of political news for caucus-goers

# 11921 9 years ago on Fri, Jan 29 2016 at 12:03 pm

Hello, everybody. Have some news.

Journalists from around the world will file countless reports from Iowa in the final days leading up to the caucuses. According to the latest Iowa State University/WHO-HD Iowa Caucus Poll, voters rely on a variety of these reports for political information with national television news being the primary source.

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"Part of the inhumanity of the computer is that once it is competently programmed and working smoothly it is completely honest."

-- Isaac Asimov

# 11922 9 years ago on Fri, Jan 29 2016 at 12:08 pm

Well no s***! Isn't it obvious that most people get their news from TV?

In other news, water's wet and the sky is blue. Did you know? It's true.


# 11928 9 years ago on Fri, Jan 29 2016 at 6:55 pm

I get most of my news from the Internet and don't watch a lot of TV outside of Adult Swim. Political news is meh, maybe I'm bad for not caring but politics bore me to tears. All it does is fuel bickering on Facebook and make me want to hide.

Don't find fault, find a remedy -- Henry Ford

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