Thread  RSS Site Hiatus

# 12326 15 years ago on Fri, Mar 19 2010 at 7:17 am

New article in News (Regular musings and updates): Site Hiatus

It's been a while.

2214 hasn't been updated since 2010 started, but I've been drawing a LOT of 2214-related material during this time. It's for an animated project meant to be a supplement to the comic. After taking so long to update the comic time and time again, I decided that something new should be created to bring the story to life.

The bad news is that site updates are going to be placed on hold during this time. The project is expected to take the better part of the year. The comic may be updated during this time but I can't make any promises right now. Updating the comic has taken a backseat, as most of you already know, to my freelance work. Since this animation project is meant to be an important portfolio piece and proof of concept, it will also take priority over the comic for now.

The current chapter in the 2214 web comic is drawing to a close; there is one page left to do for this chapter before going on to the next. Overall, there are only two chapters (three, depending o...

Read the rest of the article here: user link on

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands but seeing with new eyes.

-- Marcel Proust

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