Thread  RSS So... What Now?!

# 12339 14 years ago on Tue, May 3 2011 at 11:02 am

New article in News (Regular musings and updates): So... What Now?!

Officially, 2214 isn't cancelled but it no longer has a specific schedule. Announcing this was more of an affirmation of my past update behavior - sporadic and increasingly infrequent.

That does not mean I will never update again. That would be a commitment in and of itself. 2214 will be updated again in the future but when will no longer be promised.

Okay; enough of that. I've been playing some flight simulator in my spare time and working on a general and permanent withdrawal from social media. Also, I've been hunting geocaches in nearby parks lately. Only one interesting geocache has turned up so far and you can see the video of our trek (and the cache) here.

Not fooling with Twitter or Facebook may lead to more rants here. Stay tuned (but not too closely)....

Read the rest of the article here: user link on

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