Locked Thread  RSS Chrome Symphony - Chapter 2

# 12733 9 years ago on Fri, Feb 19 2016 at 11:26 am

Duncan continued to scan various hacker chat rooms and message boards as the others were talking. "Yes, if we could get to a repair facility tonight, it would be preferable. Once I can walk properly again, I could also help with any on-foot investigation you would need."

Tipping down his glasses, he looked back at Jess. "In that case, I would assume that Hombre Raymie is not actually Dark Spider. Many others have tried to impersonate them and it would not be a surprise if some kind of setup were in progress. Spider's into some nasty business but most people in that circle are not going to pull something so foolish. Yet, if your contact went by that name, it could very well be an impersonator."

He concluded his scan so that he could give the group his full attention. "If everyone is up for it, I suggest we do a dive together so that we can gather information inside the virtual space where Dark Spider usually hangs out. We may be able to accomplish more that way. Of course, we can do that after we've been patched up, fed, and whatever."

(This post was edited 9 years ago on Friday, February 19th, 2016 at 2:14 pm)

73's, KD8FUD

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# 12744 9 years ago on Sat, Feb 20 2016 at 7:52 pm

"That's a dangerous proposition," Elise commented. "I could tag along, but I'm no console cowboy, so I'm pretty useless in cyberspace." She shrugged. "One thing at a time, though. Once your guys are all fed, I'll get you to a doc."

She ducked through a door behind the bar. "Hey, Cal, think you can watch the front for a while? Some friends of mine need a doctor, and I'm gonna make sure they get there." She must have gotten an affirmative answer, because it wasn't long before she returned, and a large man, also impeccably dressed in fancy and conservative fashion emerged from the door. "This is Callahan, our other bartender," she introduced him to the newer clients. "He'll watch the place while I'm gone, which, well, it's often enough, given I do some moonlighting."

"I thought this was your moonlighting," Callahan replied, in a clearly joking manner.

"Beats doing nothing between runs."

# 12745 9 years ago on Sun, Feb 21 2016 at 8:07 am

Shell checked her damaged arm and leg. "I guess I'll need replacement limbs. But first..."

Shell opened a terminal in her field of vision. If EMA has been taken over, there might be unauthorized access to employee financial accounts. I'd better move all of my money into a secondary account that isn't in EMA's records. She transferred her money and checked the balance. Good, I can afford an upgrade.

She looked at Duncan. "Either EMA has betrayed us all or they've been taken over," she told him. "In either case, I have no choice but to stick with you all."

She turned around and looked at Atlas, who was still stuffing his face with what looked to be relatively good food for a bar. Shell ordered some fish and chips while the others all ordered food and drinks for themselves.

When they were done eating, Jess, Shell, and Renk paid their respective tabs. Shell looked at Duncan's damaged leg as Renk and Atlas walked over to help him up from his seat.

"Ready to go?" Shell asked them.

Waff-O! waffle

RP Character: Shell

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# 12753 9 years ago on Sun, Feb 21 2016 at 11:47 am

"Right", replied Duncan to Elise. "I had figured it would best in terms of transparency so that Miss Price can see what we're doing during the investigation."

As Renk and Atlas helped him to his feet, Duncan nodded to Shell. "Yes. The sooner I get this bum knee fixed, the better." Shell's damage, while not crippling, was clearly in need of repair. "I hope we can both manage to get adequate replacements," he said to her.

73's, KD8FUD

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# 12758 9 years ago on Sun, Feb 21 2016 at 2:41 pm

Jess gave Shell, Duncan, and the rest a look. It's a gamble, she thought. Mr. Sorenson's already shown some ability, so unless this is an elaborate scam, they'll be able to help me figure out what's going on and lead me to where they've taken father.

"Alright, Mr. Sorenson," she said to Duncan. "I'm going to give you an advance so that you and your crew can get the necessary repairs. I doubt you'll be able to help me if you're in bad shape."

With that, she wired Duncan a good portion of her week's allowance. It would be enough to upgrade Duncan and Shell at any reasonable street doctors' prices.

"There you go. Now, you'll be under my direct supervision since you're all working for me for the time being."

"Atlas, was it? And... you, Rudy. Give me your contact information so that I can pay you, too."

Renk replied, "That's Renk."

"Oh, right. Anyway, let me know your account address so I can pay you," she replied to him.

Jess started to walk toward the door, looking back at Elise. "If you're all ready..."

Don't find fault, find a remedy -- Henry Ford

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