Thread  RSS Don't chuck that old mobile phone, there's gold in there

# 12752 9 years ago on Sun, Feb 21 2016 at 11:44 am

"Thar's gold in them thar phones!"

For some raisin, one must have exactly one tooth to say that properly. No more, no less. One single tooth.

73's, KD8FUD

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# 12768 9 years ago on Mon, Feb 22 2016 at 9:29 am

I think the main question here is:

How many phones could a phone chuck chuck if a phone chuck could chuck phones?

As for the gold, there's not enough gold in one or two phones to be of much value. The headline is a little misleading.

Waff-O! waffle

RP Character: Shell

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# 12823 9 years ago on Wed, Feb 24 2016 at 3:59 pm

On Sunday, February 21st, 2016 at 4:44 pm, Nitrocosm said:

For some raisin, one must have exactly one tooth to say that properly. No more, no less. One single tooth.

Yeah, a single golden tooth.

There's gold in almost all electronics. Most people don't have the equipment to melt it down to extract the gold and good luck getting any decent money trying to recycle old electronics. Believe me, I've tried it. Most people won't even take old broken gadgets for free.

Don't find fault, find a remedy -- Henry Ford

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