Thread  RSS Subway Rant

# 12757 9 years ago on Sun, Feb 21 2016 at 1:41 pm

I was at Subway yesterday, ordering myself a hot sandwich, cracker jack!

It was the usual. 12" Turkey and Ham Melt, on Italian Herb and Cheese, with bacon, American cheese, pickles, cucumbers, oregano, lettuce, and spicy mustard. It's basically what I order every time I go to Subway.

First, the usual praise: Subway sandwiches are amazing and one of the healthier fast food options. I've never really had a bad experience at any of their locations.

Now the two gripes: The people that work there do not like it when you order a Turkey and Ham melt by that name! I've yet to figure out why; it is a mystery. I have repeatedly been lectured to order it as the "Subway Melt" but I always forget to do so. Is not "Turkey and Ham" definitive enough?

The second gripe is that Subway's repeat customer card (one on which points are earned that lead up to a free sandwich or drink) suddenly requires registration. Before, you were issued a card that you could use every time you visited the store. It was not previously necessary to give up any personal information in order to obtain the card. I was informed yesterday that my points would all be lost unless I registered the card, which I promptly did as soon as I got back to the car (hooray for smart phones). I had to give them my e-mail address, exact date of birth, and phone number. Hello, spam.

First world problems these certainly are. I just wanted to post about my second favorite food along with some minor associated annoyances.

73's, KD8FUD

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# 12759 9 years ago on Sun, Feb 21 2016 at 4:43 pm

That's weird that they're hung up about using the brand name instead of the generic description.

Me, I almost always get flatbread wraps when I go there. If they were to give me headaches on what to call it, I'd just smile and say "please make whatever you wish to call it."

Working in fast food is a tough, thankless job. I'd expect working Subway is harder because they have to do it all right there while the customer watches.

Don't find fault, find a remedy -- Henry Ford

# 12887 9 years ago on Sun, Feb 28 2016 at 4:32 pm

I don't intend to disrespect the people who work at Subway or the people who work in fast food. It's just puzzling why some of the people at Subway are so neurotic about the name of a sandwich vs. an adequate description when ordering.

I just don't think the customer should be brow-beaten with the "official" name of the sandwich when it effectively makes no difference.

73's, KD8FUD

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# 12890 9 years ago on Sun, Feb 28 2016 at 9:00 pm

No, I understand, I didn't meant to imply that you were taking bad about fast food workers.

My point was that the people at Subway are probably cranky because they have to deal with a lot of stupid crap everyday.

Don't find fault, find a remedy -- Henry Ford

# 12902 9 years ago on Mon, Feb 29 2016 at 12:46 pm

I'll just tell the folks at the local store that I'm dumb and can't remember the proper name of the sandwich and then promise them repeat business if they go easy on me about it.

Best sandwiches I've ever had. Subway is... truly something to experience.

(This message brought to you by Subway / Doctor's Associates. Just kidding.)

73's, KD8FUD

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