Shell reviewed the sanitation and water supply schematics to the facility. She was surprised at how easy it was for her to still access all of this information.
"You know there's going to be that security drill that Camay mentioned coming up soon," Shell said, as she finalized the hacking script to cause the sewage backup in the restrooms. "Our timing should be about right. We're going to have about twelve minutes after the sewage backup to find our person, break them out, and escape. There should be just enough commotion right then."
It was 20:56. Shell ran the hack and, right on cue, everyone heard a disgusted scream coming from the nearby latrine.
Shell opened the door and Duncan hurried to that restroom. The person inside, trying to avoid the mess, said "Oh, good, glad you got here so quickly" to Duncan as he pretended to investigate the pipes.
Shell ran to the other restroom with a tool box. Several people saw her but did not find it strange, given the situation.
As 21:11 arrived, an announcement on the loudspeaker announced, "Security, code 2-K. Code 2-K..." which signified that the drill had started. Jess and Atlas began walking by the detention cells, now with the guards gathered in a meeting room for the beginning of the drill. Shell accessed the security cameras and quickly jammed them. She knew that if the guards noticed the jammed cameras now, they would think it was part of the drill.
Shell left the restroom and Duncan also regrouped with her, Atlas, and Jess. They met in front of the detention cells.
"Camay just sent me a message," said Shell, "she says we're in grave danger without Renk and Elise and that we shouldn't be here at all under these circumstances."
Atlas started to laugh. "It's a little late now, isn't it?!" he chuckled.
Shell reviewed the picture that Camay had given them. It was the prisoner to be rescued. After looking at the people in the detention cells, Shell found their target and quickly picked the lock to the cell. It was an older-looking man by the name of Ray Heimborem. He looked thin and had quite a beard.
Atlas helped him to his feet and everyone headed back to the storage room where they had entered the building from the maintenance tunnel.
"Now we have to figure out how to leave with Dr. Heimborem. If the guards see us with him, the jig is up," Shell said.