Honestly, if you still wanted to play Elise, I'd probably take the doctor's role, so not much has changed.
I'll toss up a few details for her here, as least as I'd thought them up when she was just an NPC. Whether you want to do anything with them or even include them, or not, is up to you.
She's officially a citizen of some science-focused colony out near Titan. She owns drones of various sizes and often uses them for scouting, or as a point to project an Augmented Reality avatar of herself for those who have basic wireless implants and AR displays (which are fairly ubiquitous among spacers, less so on Earth). For some very general ways to characterize an AI, they're not gods, although they DO tend to be better in the Matrix than just about anyone else, simply because they grow up and live there. On the other hand, anyone who spends most of their time as data is often ignorant of how living in actual "meatspace" works, lacking understanding of social cues and physical properties most people take for granted.
She's a member of an organization calling itself "Firewall," which seems to focus on unusual threats to humanity, and so-on. Her interests in Adepts and the possible trigger event that caused their emergence got their attention.
...and that's related to why we had to extract Dr. Heimborem. He's one of the EMA's top Adept researchers (and a fellow Firewall agent) who was imprisoned for various reasons (not the least of which may be discovery of his membership in this other nebulous group). He probably objected to some of the shadier lines of research, as well...
And here's probably what I'd use for her usual appearance, at least when she's not using some sort of proxy body. She does tend to change her looks often enough, for cosplay or whatever else.

Again, feel free to completely disregard ALL of the above and do your own thing, but now that she's not "just" and NPC, I might as well share my intents with her, in case anyone wants to see them or they're useful.