I figured it was necessary to keep a general timeline of major events in-universe as they pertain to the story.
Feel free to add events as you like. I wanted to make a new thread for this so it doesn't get buried in the other general discussion threads.
2010 - Duncan is born
2048 - Duncan meets Rosetta at Defcon 2048
2050 - Duncan is married to Rosetta
2116 - Duncan's wife dies
2118 - Duncan becomes a cyborg
2171 - Renk is born
2187 - Shell is born
2189 - Atlas is born
2194 - Jess is born, "accident" occurs, artificial blood prototype made and produced in abundance for experiment
2196 - Adepts / Espers begin to appear
2202 - Shell found almost dead in the streets, made into cyborg to save her life
2204 - Migration crisis officially begins, unauthorized space travel made illegal
2205 - Beretta Price is assassinated, Herei Mob Army claims responsibility
2211 - "The incident" - The apex of the migration crisis. Atlas is involved in an apparent atrocity.
2216 (current day) - EMA headquarters mysteriously self-destructs