Thread  RSS Chrome Symphony Timeline

# 13205 9 years ago on Sun, Apr 3 2016 at 6:34 pm

I figured it was necessary to keep a general timeline of major events in-universe as they pertain to the story.

Feel free to add events as you like. I wanted to make a new thread for this so it doesn't get buried in the other general discussion threads.

2010 - Duncan is born

2048 - Duncan meets Rosetta at Defcon 2048

2050 - Duncan is married to Rosetta

2116 - Duncan's wife dies

2118 - Duncan becomes a cyborg

2171 - Renk is born

2187 - Shell is born

2189 - Atlas is born

2194 - Jess is born, "accident" occurs, artificial blood prototype made and produced in abundance for experiment

2196 - Adepts / Espers begin to appear

2202 - Shell found almost dead in the streets, made into cyborg to save her life

2204 - Migration crisis officially begins, unauthorized space travel made illegal

2205 - Beretta Price is assassinated, Herei Mob Army claims responsibility

2211 - "The incident" - The apex of the migration crisis. Atlas is involved in an apparent atrocity.

2216 (current day) - EMA headquarters mysteriously self-destructs

73's, KD8FUD

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# 13210 9 years ago on Sun, Apr 3 2016 at 8:31 pm

August 2195 - Renk has surgery to fix a serious battle injury and receives some mass-produced artificial blood in the process.

October 2195 - Renk discovers his time manipulation power by accident during an ambush on his station in Antarctica.

June 2207 - Renk joins Atlas in a series of covert operations related to the Migration crisis.

August 2211 - Renk is involved in a nearby conflict at the time of "The Incident" and witnesses the event first hand.

(This post was edited 9 years ago on Sunday, April 3rd, 2016 at 8:36 pm)

# 13211 9 years ago on Sun, Apr 3 2016 at 9:13 pm

This is also a good place to check and discuss any continuity errors if you're planning on mentioning any dates or times in your posts going forward.

73's, KD8FUD

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# 13267 9 years ago on Tue, Apr 12 2016 at 10:17 am

2206 - Shell is promoted to lead technician

2208 - EMA corporation creates a new line of cybernetic enhancements using nano technology (later discovered to be stolen from Crest corporation)

2209 - Crest corporation wins lawsuit, EMA forced to pay untold sum for violating Crest's intellectual property.

Waff-O! waffle

RP Character: Shell

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# 13278 9 years ago on Wed, Apr 13 2016 at 1:59 am

This might be the most anal-retentive thing ever in the history of role-playing, but I had to put together a timeline of events on the asteroid so that I could do that security log thing and have Jess figure out some really key plot elements:

18:14 - Jess's father unlocks sphere in exchange for Jess's safety, keeps unlocked with proximity bio-metrics

20:14 - Group arrived at NEA726

21:11 - Concert starts

21:36 - Concert ends (fire starts?)

21:45 - Explosion

21:48 - Renk interrogates guard

21:53 - Group reaches dead end on stairs going up

21:55 - Elise lets group get discovered at checkpoint

22:58 - Shell opens elevator to core

22:03 - Group reaches core after long elevator ride (fast elevator to only take 5 minutes to get to the center of the Tootsie Roll Pop!)

22:04 - Mulhauser kills the two friendly guards

22:06 - Shell and Duncan discover sphere while Mulhauser monologues, short fight with him

22:08 - Group fights mecha and soldiers

22:14 - Jess unlocks controls to sphere

Don't find fault, find a remedy -- Henry Ford

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