Dover Foxcroft, Maine
Posts: 208
I'm kind of in the same line of thinking as Kyler.
I'd like to join in again but I'm going to watch for a while (or at least wait until things are about to start) before committing to anything. It's just been a draining experience with everything blowing up as it has. Not that I want this story to just die; I hope it doesn't.
We'll just have to see, ok?
The blue sky is infinitely high, crystal clear...that's what the world should be...a world of infinite possibilities, laid before us, crystal clear"
Phoenix, Arizona
Posts: 846
Ditto on the "wait and see" idea here. I'd like to hop in when things get started again but I just need some time.
With so many of us on the fence, it's going to be an issue of who is playing what character. Unless we write certain characters out somehow (I wouldn't recommend that), we're going to need a more concrete idea of who's in and who's out.
"Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt!"
Rosalia, Washington
Posts: 291
Am I the only person who 100% still wants to do this? I'm okay with waiting a few days (or longer if need be) for people to decide. No hurry.
I just hope things can work out and we can get back to having fun here.
Don't find fault, find a remedy -- Henry Ford
Posts: 699
On Friday, April 15th, 2016 at 11:58 pm, Wolfwood29 said:
With so many of us on the fence, it's going to be an issue of who is playing what character. Unless we write certain characters out somehow (I wouldn't recommend that), we're going to need a more concrete idea of who's in and who's out.
I know, we have to wait to see who wants to participate before we can do any further planning in here. As far as plot goes, my idea is this:
The adept phenomenon went dormant two years ago. At the start of Chapter 3, there's a sudden rush of reports in the news that adepts have regained their powers. There are also reports that an unidentified new space station has appeared in Earth's orbit. Nobody is able to make radio contact with it and space ships can't approach it for some reason (we'll have to think of a reason).
Our group could find a way in and explore it. It might be an abandoned space station that contains that "sphere" we thought we destroyed two years prior.
I'll just spit out any ideas I have for the story and hope you guys will do it, too.
RP Character: Shell

Phoenix, Arizona
Posts: 846
Helena, I want to be a part of this new episode. I just have to think of a character because Atlas isn't going to be in adventure mode for a while.
When I come up with a new character, I'll post the profile in here.
"Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt!"