Locked Thread  RSS Chrome Symphony - Chapter 5

# 13353 9 years ago on Mon, Apr 18 2016 at 10:01 pm

"I wouldn't completely rule out the remote source theory," replied Shell. "After all, it's an interesting coincidence that NEA726 disappeared around the same time the adepts lost their powers and now there's some weird beacon signal coming from somewhere just beyond the moon's orbit, right when the adepts suddenly reactivate."

Jax looked surprised.

"Come to think of it," replied Jax, "Dr. Thameh mentioned that Duncan gave her a report about an unidentified signal from space. Maybe this would be worth looking into."

Shell nodded. "Duncan gave me a recording of it this morning, actually."

The two sat at the table silently for a moment, thinking things over. Shell sipped on her drink.

"My neighbor runs an observatory about ten miles out of town," said Shell. "I wonder if we could possibly get some kind of visual confirmation of whatever is putting that signal out."

Waff-O! waffle

RP Character: Shell

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# 13354 9 years ago on Tue, Apr 19 2016 at 8:59 am

"We already have a Firewall operative in the area," replied Jax. "He's an astronomer tasked with searching for NEA726. It was believed to have been knocked out of its orbit by something shortly after your group disembarked from it but we had no record of the exact moment it disappeared."

Shell looked uncomfortable. "That wasn't a pleasant memory," mumbled Shell.

"That's understandable," replied Jax. "Our astronomer lives in this city and his name is Chester Reynolds. I'll contact him."

Shell sat up straight and gasped, "You're kidding! That's my neighbor!"

Jax sent a quick message to Chester:

Agent Reynolds,

This is JAX 0208.  I request your services.

Could you meet us at the observatory?

After a few minutes, Jax received an affirmation from Chester.

"Okay, he's agreed to meet us at the observatory," said Jax. "We should head over there."

After Shell finished her drink, Jax settled the bill with Elise and the two of them headed out to a transport rail, making their way to the observatory some distance out of the city.

Don't find fault, find a remedy -- Henry Ford

# 13357 9 years ago on Tue, Apr 19 2016 at 10:05 am

[Scene: Duncan's house, 21:11 EST]

Duncan took a break from his security consultant work and checked his messages. A message had arrived from Dr. Thameh:

Mr. Sorenson,

I have analyzed the signal and forwarded it to our super-computing cluster.

From what little information we have right now, it appears to be a type
of archaic data burst format.  Why it would be actively in use, from an
object in space no less, is hard to understand.

As you know, Dr. Heimborem is serving a life sentence in a detention
facility aboard the colony near Titan.  He has a lot of esoteric
knowledge regarding ancient signal modulation schemes but he is not
available for obvious reasons.

Firewall will continue to analyze this signal recording.

On a side note, our observer, Jax 0208, is accompanying Shell Lockheed
to an observatory in order to attempt visual confirmation of whatever
appears to emit this signal.  I was informed that you were not able to
join them tonight.

I will keep you informed on future developments.

Dr. Camay Thameh

Duncan continued the break from his work by browsing some news sites and forums on the 'net. He had recently noticed that the regional gubernatorial election campaigns had started and that Jess Price, the head of Crest Corporation, was running for regional governor:



Jess Price has officially announced her run for governor of NAU Region IV.

Price is running her campaign on the following platform:

1 - Open and affordable space travel for all citizens

2 - Equal rights for artificial intelligence, cyborgs, and genetically-engineered humans

3 - Funding environmental cleanup efforts to restore the Earth's oceans, atmosphere, and beaches

4 - Massive crackdown on terrorism and a constant patrol of near-Earth space

Duncan noticed some comments beneath the article:

I can't BELIEVE that Jess Price supports trans-humanism! You CAN'T just put a person's soul into a machine!


What's this blathering on about a soul? A person's mind is just data. Quit living in the dark ages.


I just want to know what Jess is going to do about allowing the poorest citizens to reach space. The Earth is so polluted that poor people have to die of respiratory disease while the rich live in sterile, perfect space colonies!


Jess just isn't trustworthy. She claims to be all for the people but her father was one of the biggest corporate fascists the world has ever seen! He was directly responsible for getting laws passed that trapped the poor planet side! How can we be so sure his daughter is going to reverse this?


You idiot. Jess has already lobbied and allowed the poorest people to have a chance to live in the space colonies. Do some fact checking before you open your stupid mouth. Moron.

Duncan sighed and laughed. Some things about the 'net never change, he thought to himself. Rosetta would have really enjoyed jumping in on this conversation!

(This post was edited 9 years ago on Tuesday, April 19th, 2016 at 10:07 am)

73's, KD8FUD

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# 13359 9 years ago on Tue, Apr 19 2016 at 1:53 pm

Chester promptly returned to the observatory after he made a quick trip to a local pizza joint for dinner. Chester spent most of his evenings here, looking through the telescope and making notes of anything unusual. He had received a message from Jax, one of his fellow operatives at Firewall. Fortunately, his pizza was ready when he received the message on his communicator and he was able to get back to his post in time.

The door buzzer sounded and Chester opened the door.

"Hi, I'm Jax and this is Shell," said Jax. "We need your help finding something around Lunar orbit."

"Yes, I see," replied Chester. "Nice to m... Shell? Hey! I didn't know you worked with Firewall!"

Shell laughed. "Well, on occasion," she replied to Chester. "I guess I never did ask you what you did for a living..."

"Well, we've never really had a chance to talk, despite being neighbors," said Chester. "Anyway, come on in."

The three of them walked through the entrance area, past some soda machines and a small kitchen. Chester led them up the stairs to the third floor, where a large, circular room housed the enormous telescope.

"It's funny," said Chester, "It's a small world. Observing the skies every night reminds me of how small we are, but I guess it's a small world in the social context after all..."

The dome of the observatory opened over the telescope and Chester turned on the video monitors. He pivoted the telescope, which rotated the entire room with it.

"Alright, we're looking out just past the Moon, right," commented Chester, as he continued to adjust the telescope's focus. "No kidding, I get just as much work observing space stations, spy satellites, and spacecraft as I do actually doing astronomy," he said.

Jax took a look at one of the monitors. "That makes sense," said Jax. "Espionage probably pays a lot better than donation-funded astronomy does."

Chester nodded. "You'd be surprised, Jax. Aside from my work with Firewall, I've had a lot of wealthy private donors wanting me to watch distant galaxies. Still, most of my more interesting requests have been through Firewall and various governments. Watching the skies for threats takes priority, you know," said Chester.

Chester noticed something interesting on the screen. Right next to the moon, perhaps a few thousand miles beyond its disc, Chester noticed that some stars were disappearing. He zoomed in.

"Have a look at this," said Chester. "Something's blocking the stars out there."

Jax and Shell studied the monitor image. Chester pointed to the black spot, where stars and galaxies were vanishing behind it.

"We've got an object out there, alright. Something that isn't emitting or reflecting any light at all," he said.

Chester zoomed in on the object even more closely. As the object slowly moved along its orbit, the vanishing stars hinted at its size and shape. Chester ran a program on the telescope system's computer to analyze the images, putting together a vague outline of the object.

"We've got something interesting out there. It's some kind of synthetic object about a mile long and a half mile wide. Could be a huge piece of space junk or an abandoned spacecraft," said Chester.

"Any abandoned spacecraft would have registration data," said Jax. "Almost all space junk over a few meters in diameter is tracked and monitored by Firewall. We have to do that to avoid collisions."

"Right," replied Chester. "Anything this large would be well-known."

"Nothing's in the registry that fits that size, orbit, or position," said Shell. "I just checked all space debris records, including Firewall's. Nothing at all should be where that thing is currently."

Chester walked over to a small table where he had left the pizza he brought back minutes ago. "I hope you'll excuse me while I eat my dinner," he told Jax and Shell. "I don't mean to be rude but I don't want this to get cold."

Chester looked at them while he ate a slice. "Shell, you're welcome to have some. Jax, I know you can't eat," he told them.

Shell walked over and sat across the table from Chester. Jax continued to study the images on the telescope's monitor.

"Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt!"

# 13363 9 years ago on Tue, Apr 19 2016 at 3:58 pm
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Camay sent Duncan another message:

Mr. Sorenson,

We have performed further analysis on that recording
you sent us of the signal emanating from a point near
Lunar Orbit.

JAX 0208 is presently with Shell Lockheed and one of
our astronomers, Chester Reynolds, at the observatory
near you.  They have obtained a visual... sort of.

Duncan examined the image. The resolution was extremely poor.

He continued reading the message:

We have matched patterns in the signal recording to some
patterns in the pseudo-random data you and Shell extracted
from the core of NEA726 before it disappeared.  This finding
is extremely profound and indicates a connection to NEA726.

As you may have guessed, the timing of the adept phenomenon's
sudden disappearance and resurgence no longer seems purely

I have deemed it necessary to come to Earth to personally
assist and oversee an investigative effort.  I am going to
activate one of my proxy androids and head over to the

Please join us there in an hour, if you can.  This is very

Duncan leaned back in his seat and sighed.

"I guess I don't have much of a choice," he mumbled to himself.

Duncan stood up, dusted the doughnut crumbs off of himself, and headed out the door.

"Better gimme hazard pay if this gets ugly again," grumbled Duncan.

(This post was edited 9 years ago on Tuesday, April 19th, 2016 at 3:59 pm)

73's, KD8FUD

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