Thread  RSS Chrome Symphony - Epilogue

# 13604 9 years ago on Fri, May 6 2016 at 1:28 am

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[OOC: In this thread. I thought it would be fun if each player would make a post, in third person, telling the story of how your character(s) ended up after the main story. We could also think of this as sort of the main ending credits.]

Duncan continued to work as a freelance hacker. He frequently did jobs for Crest Corporation and worked closely with Shell and Jess.

Every Sunday evening, Duncan, Shell, Jess, Atlas, and Renk met at the Velvet Room, often pestering Elise to take breaks from bar tending and to join them on runs.

The group took vacations from time to time on the L1 colony. Camay, Jax, and Chester would schedule their work so that they could join the rest of the group at the beach.

Crest Corporation continued to improve the availability of space travel. Cybernetics and other human augmentation gradually filled the void that the loss of the adept phenomenon left behind.

The adepts resumed normal lives and adapted to the loss of their powers easily. Treatment programs were put in place to assist a small percentage of former adepts that had either been injured in the sphere incident or had trouble adapting.

Duncan lived a very long life and served as a prototype for advanced new life extension technologies.

(This post was edited 9 years ago on Friday, May 6th, 2016 at 1:31 am)

73's, KD8FUD

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# 13607 9 years ago on Fri, May 6 2016 at 1:50 am

Jess Price was elected governor of North American Union Region Four. She chose to serve only one term in order to concentrate on advancing Crest Corporation's initiatives to make space travel easier, cheaper, and more widely available.

Space tourism flourished in the following years due to Crest's advancements.

Jess and Atlas kept themselves very busy but spent Sunday evenings at the Velvet Room with the rest of their friends. Many of Jess's friends from military school would meet the rest of the group at the bar and generally keep Elise on her toes, not that the Velvet Room minded the sudden increase in business.

Jess learned to live without her power. She chose to wear her hair as she did before, out of habit. Her body slowly adapted so that it didn't depend on the nano machines to recover from illness or injury. She and Atlas both lived very long lives and stayed in touch with everyone, even meeting Duncan and Shell at the doughnut shop in the morning sometimes.

Crest Corporation's image improved across the globe and eventually bought out what was left of EMA Corporation.

Don't find fault, find a remedy -- Henry Ford

# 13608 9 years ago on Fri, May 6 2016 at 6:29 am

Shell continued to work as a freelance security consultant. Jess hired her for jobs from time to time and that gave her the opportunity to work regularly with her friend Kel.

Jax and Camay would visit Earth every so often and Shell would, insistently, have them stay the night at her place and reminisce about their adventures.

Shell also continued to meet Duncan every morning at their usual doughnut shop and attended a weekly night out with everyone at the Velvet Room. Eventually, Shell cracked through Elise's hard... well, shell and became good friends with her, too.

On some occasions, Shell would even show up unexpectedly at the Price mansion wearing Groucho Marx glasses and getting a laugh from Jess. Shell also teased Elise on Sunday evenings about starting up a band and playing music gigs at the Velvet Room, much to the lack of amusement on the part of Elise.

Waff-O! waffle

RP Character: Shell

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# 13610 9 years ago on Fri, May 6 2016 at 7:51 am

Renk joined Crest Corporation's main security team at its headquarters. Eventually, he became one of the higher level guards and would sometimes help Atlas at the Price mansion.

He met everyone on Sunday nights at the Velvet Room and spent the rest of his free time as a military consultant for Firewall.

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