Thread  RSS Is YouTube Going Away?

# 15876 6 years ago on Mon, Jul 22 2019 at 7:56 pm

The "Elsagate" videos have the hallmarks of scripting and naming by artificial intelligence but the production appears to be done by humans. I think the owners of these channels are using machine learning to exploit the algorithms and then hiring either amateur actors (ones that may work in even less reputable productions) or animators in other countries working for mere pennies.

# 15877 6 years ago on Tue, Jul 23 2019 at 10:01 am

I’m not by any means trying to solve Elsa-Gate, but I saw a post on a sub, pertaining to a strange video, and there was a video explanation about it, not sure if I am really allowed to link YouTube, but it is certainly an interesting rabbit hole.

# 15878 6 years ago on Tue, Jul 23 2019 at 5:53 pm

Interesting video. So there are these online "games" based on Elsa gate, which is itself probably a tool for pedophiles to communicate. Disgusting.

The blue sky is infinitely high, crystal clear...that's what the world should be...a world of infinite possibilities, laid before us, crystal clear"

# 15882 6 years ago on Thu, Jul 25 2019 at 8:57 pm

It's a cut-and-dry case of YouTube's system being gamed. The shock value is to gain even more attention and more views from slightly older kids. I don't think it's an intentional ploy to corrupt kids or recruit for pedophile rings.

There are more than a few crazy conspiracy nut videos about it where people claim it's either the "work of the devil" or a huge conspiracy by pedophiles to turn your kids into perverts.

Having said that, I wouldn't let my kids watch any of it because it's still really horrible.

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# 15923 6 years ago on Mon, Sep 16 2019 at 3:57 pm

YouTube is actually trying to get rid of me right now.

I filed a copyright claim on a video last night: user link on ---- Someone stole one of my old videos and re-uploaded it to their own channel. My voice is clearly in the video and I'm sure YouTube has records going back to when I had my old channel and uploaded the original video. I still have the original video file, although I'm not sure that will do much to prove ownership.

Well, YouTube says my copyright claim is fraudulent and they are going to terminate my YouTube account in seven days.


UPDATE: I won the copyright dispute and my channel is no longer in jeopardy. The content thief's video was taken down.

(This post was edited 6 years ago on Thursday, September 19th, 2019 at 5:40 pm)

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