Phoenix, Arizona
Posts: 846
Once Jenna and Atlas arrived at the New Pandora security building, the two were met by his supervisor.
"Atlas," said his supervisor, "We have been put on alert."
Atlas looked over at Jenna for a moment and then back at his supervisor. "Sir, what's the situation," he asked.
The three of them entered the building and walked into a large meeting room, where the rest of the active security team was sitting around a table. Atlas took a seat.
The supervisor walked to the front of the room.
"Everyone," said the supervisor, "We've received information that Zetsfir is about to gate out in Kaperth orbit. I don't need to remind you that we're on high alert but this situation is potentially more threatening than usual."
Atlas continued to listen. Jenna operated a touch screen, putting some diagrams on the large display on the wall behind the supervisor.
"The long history of Zetsfir's attacks against New Pandora are well-known," said the supervisor. "The space-time distortion signatures we're detecting indicate that they're bold enough to approach us again despite the massive defenses we've built up."
"Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt!"
Gullville, Missouri
Posts: 38
Jenna spoke up. "This isn't because their suicidal," she added. "Some of our spies have managed to obtain their plans."
She changed the screen to the next diagram. It was of a Zetsfir war ship.
"They have developed a new technology to deflect our weaponry," she said, with a slight hint of nervousness. Jenna knew the gravity of the situation. Zetsfir, intent on destroying New Pandora and gaining a foothold to re-take the continents on Kaperth, would stop at nothing, she thought to herself.
"We are going to need to infiltrate their forces and disrupt their plan from behind enemy lines."
Posts: 699
Shell was about to lie down for some rest when her apartment began to shake. At first, she thought it was her imagination.
Suddenly, an emergency alert appeared in her field of vision. It read:
"The threat level has been raised to high while the source of the explosion in the lower levels is investigated. Please remain calm but report any usual activity."
Probably had another accident with the shuttle fuel, Shell thought to herself. New Pandora was built with a very thick hull and strong walls between the major sections of the colony. Shell felt confident that the accident was just that.
RP Character: Shell

Gullville, Missouri
Posts: 38
Jenna was startled by the sudden shaking. The supervisor cut his presentation short and began to direct the personnel to gather their weapons.
Jenna watched the team hurry down the hall to the weapons room, some putting on their armor. She knew that the "accident" message that had popped up on the screen behind the supervisor was simply a message directed at the public to maintain order.
So we're already under attack she thought.
Jenna made her way upstairs to her battle post. Turning on the monitors at her station, she took the controls for one of the beam turrets on New Pandora's outer hull. About 20 other people were stationed around her, all acting as manual fallbacks should the automatic targeting system fail.
On the monitor, she could see a lens-style distortion bending the shape of Kaperth's horizon in the distance. She was all too familiar with this sight, due to her training.
A Zetsfir war ship is about to gate out, she thought.
Posts: 699
Shell had exited her apartment building and was quickly walking toward the transport station. She wanted to be nearby in case any of her friends needed help at the univsersity.
Approaching the transport station, a large red holographic sign read, "Transport temporarily closed".
Dammit. Of course.
Shell looked around. She saw the security team exit the headquarters building and hurry toward a section of the colony that led to the lower levels.
I figured as much. It's no accident.
RP Character: Shell
