Posts by Nitrocosm

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Happy New Year 2024!
These forums have been dead for a while, although they were in "maintenance mode" for the past several weeks. Is anyone still around and lurking? ...
3 weeks ago on Thursday, Jul 4 2024 1:07 pm
Artificial Intelligence
Regarding encryption, I think we'll find a new way to handle that. If quantum computing has to be used, it may be possible to offload the work to a server somehow and temporarily use classical encryption. I'm not completely sure how it would work, thoug...
7 months ago on Thursday, Jan 11 2024 1:57 pm
Artificial Intelligence
My views on A.I. have radically changed for the worse. Here's why: This is not unfounded conspiracy speculation. The WEF is pushing new technology for companies to monitor the brainwave activity of their employees and store the data for legal p...
7 months ago on Thursday, Jan 4 2024 2:40 am
Page 168
Heya. Yeah; that Gaia, Ravenna's mom. I'm going to have to review all of my story notes for the webcomic version of 2214 as the Visual Novel does go in a slightly different direction, story-wise. It figures that shortly after I get started on the 2...
7 months ago on Thursday, Jan 4 2024 2:34 am
Happy New Year 2024!
Happy New Year! Sorry I haven't been around much. Very busy with work at the moment. ...
7 months ago on Thursday, Jan 4 2024 2:32 am
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