Posts by vega7285

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RP Vehicles
Because I tossed it up on Photobucket to show Nitro the other day, I might as well toss it up here. Presenting, the cockpit interoir structure/pilot unit for the R-90 series. ...Actually, never mind, I think the image was stretching the screen. So...
20 years ago on Monday, Mar 21 2005 7:06 am
RP Vehicles
Because Wolfwood sort of added some basic stats to things, I might as well do the same with the R-90. Here, we probably have more information than we want to know. And, if anyone's curious, the control system is rather standard for a fighter. R-90...
20 years ago on Friday, Mar 18 2005 4:19 pm
RP Vehicles
You know, the more this goes on, the more I think Electra's not a reporter at all. She just seems to have too much experience in certain fields reporters don't need or usually follow. Rather illicit fields. ...
20 years ago on Friday, Mar 18 2005 2:47 pm
RP Vehicles
Because they seem to be a popular topic of discussion, I'm opening up a fresh topic for vehicle-related stuff. Atlas' mecha's not too hard to find, and Gren's fighter's linked in his profile, so I won't be repeating stuff we've already seen. But, i...
20 years ago on Friday, Mar 18 2005 9:04 am
It wouldn't hurt to add a bit of a physical description. Typical manner of dress, general build, whatever'd make him stand out from a crowd, things like that. ...
20 years ago on Friday, Mar 18 2005 9:00 am
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