Posts by Doitsujin

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Why a new physics theory could rewrite the textbooks
Thing is, colo(u)r* as we know and see it is based around the electromagnetic force. All of chemistry, essentially. The strong nuclear interaction force (which operates QCD) is essentially the most powerful force in the universe, but it acts only in an ex...
9 years ago on Saturday, Jan 30 2016 8:11 pm
Why a new physics theory could rewrite the textbooks
On Friday, January 29th, 2016 at 5:24 pm, vega7285 said: Ideally, that's the job of the science journalists. However, it's not often the case, as they may sensationalize or misrepresent research. And, looks like the link has a link to ...
9 years ago on Saturday, Jan 30 2016 9:29 am
Why a new physics theory could rewrite the textbooks
There's a lot of things in current (more widely accepted) models that is predicted but not observed. Two examples that come to my mind would be proton decay and the neutrino-less double beta decay. The fact that there's no conclusive evidence (so far) for...
9 years ago on Wednesday, Jan 27 2016 3:12 pm
Francevillian biota - evidence for *ancient* multicellular life.
On Friday, January 22nd, 2016 at 5:08 pm, Nitrocosm said: Not a geologist so perhaps this is a stupid question but is it possible that some of the fossil record was lost to the Earth's mantle via tectonic subduction? The thought had just crossed my mind...
9 years ago on Tuesday, Jan 26 2016 10:30 am
Wind energy costs approach nonrenewable levels
I personally don't think that there is "one" solution for the world's energy needs, instead, each country (or more accurately, each region) will have to look into what makes more sense, per region. For example countries towards the tropic of Cancer (on th...
9 years ago on Sunday, Jan 24 2016 8:07 pm
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