Posts by CodeWarrior

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Omni-T so far
Not quite sure what to do with this. I'm afraid that I kind of forgot to get a backup of OmniT when I backed up the site. If anyone has a copy of it, it'd be cool if you could send it to me. Nitro had asked me at some point about a story...
20 years ago on Friday, May 27 2005 5:26 pm
Mostly up and running forums
Ok guys, it's been a HELL of a long day for me. If you hadn't noticed, the forums are up again. It would seem that Nitro's old host dropped him a few days early or something so I was forced to get some cheap hosting. I've almost gotten the forums...
20 years ago on Thursday, May 26 2005 4:25 am
Who wants to help me pretend I'm smart?
Well, I have a number of tricks for writing stories. If you were to cross-check with Doitsujin, you'd find that I go into elaborate detail as to how things work, but the truth is that I won't use more than half of my theories in written text. But it's ni...
20 years ago on Tuesday, May 17 2005 8:06 pm
2214 RP Thread 3
I stared at the newcomer who had entered the room. "Can't anybody let me sulk in peace?" "You look like you could do with a sparring partner." I sized him up. He didn't look like too much, but he reminded me of someone but I just couldn't put my f...
20 years ago on Thursday, May 5 2005 6:03 pm
Lynx is Back!
yeah, I still have it. You'll have to give me a little bit though because I had to rewrite all of the beginning due to various reasons. Once I've finished that I'll actually be able to move forward on it. I'll send you a copy then. ...
20 years ago on Tuesday, Apr 19 2005 3:18 pm
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